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It wasn't my fault, since I live on campus,the University assigned me a room mate. and that guy is from there. I am not happy at all, because he is keep talking about who ignorant are white American people. And George W is a evil person, because he is made a No Child Left behind Act, and it was against black people cause. It is a words of NAACP member, not mine!


Sorry. Didnt mean to hit a nerve, :blink:

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If your government tells you there is a category 5 hurricane coming, and you know you live below sea level, but decide to stay anyways, it's not untrue to say that you bear some responsibility for what happens to you. Hey!! Could be fun right??

If I lived below sea level and knew any hurricane was coming, let alone a cat 5, I would be driving my jerk outta there as fast as possible. If I had no car, I would ride a bus. No bus? You bet I would be walking my jerk to high ground if it took all day and night.

As far as comparing economies goes, you need to compare the US to an established industrialized economy. China is undergoing a rapid industrialization right now, which is why they are starting to consume so much more oil. If you think our economy is stagnating, take a look at Germany and France. They have unemployment upwards of 10% and virtually no GDP growth.

And if you think our health care system is bad, well you socialist gimmie health care for free cause I deserve it just cause I'm here is total stuff. I've seen first hand the incopentence of some of your doctors, and heard of far worse. Just cause it doesen't cost you anything doesen't mean it's any good.

"My concern here, is that for the past 6 years the President has generally done a pretty good job running his office wihout letting the American people have one iota of an idea of what's really going on."

I don't really see why it's your concern. Should we cross the border and decide to annex the great white nothing (eerr north, i forget sometimes), then it would become your concern.

Your entire whiny ranting post follows pretty closely to the whiny teenage liberal I just heard my professor at school say this so I'm gonna post it so I sound smart and cool stereotype which plauges the internet blogs like a bad rash.

My concern for the US is only out of an investment standpoint. I don't watch the Canadian business climate like I do the US. US equities and futures and options are easier to get in and out of than any other nation in the entire world, and are the most liquid. So, having an ear to the ground and opinions on the US political economy is necessary if i ever want to make boatloads of money doing what i dream of doing.

I don't understand how anyone can stand behind the president and say he's done a good job. From a socioeconomic standpoint, there is no G8 nation worse off than the US.

You criticize my health care system but really have no concept of it.

In the past 24 hours i've kind of realized how futile it is to debate with you people. It really comes down to a pure ideological difference. You think that if people get screwed over they deserve it, unless of course it's you, then you want a handout - the American way.

People in NO wanted handouts not jobs, and for that they deserved to die. People who want health care or education need to work for it, if you want it you can have it. It's the American way, free market capitalism right (aren't patents anti-competitive).

My opinion is that the states role in my life should be to provide a last ditch safety net. Which includes universal accessable health care, as it does in EVERY G8 nation except the US.

As an outsider looking in, i know the US is domestically and internationall up the river without a paddle. You can sit and watch ignorantly from within and claim that all these social hurdels you create are part of the "american way" but that's just silly.

and for the record, i know more about the way the US political economy functions than probably 80% of Americans, but there probably isn't an American on here, or many in your nation that really could contribute a quality response with respect to Canada, so since you don't know.. keep your mouth shut!

I have and deserve to have a lot of pride for my nation, so don't stomp all over it with you guesses about how we work, it just reinforces the stereotype that Americans are ignorant!

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So it's ok for you to criticize my government and nation, but not for me to criticize yours? Hmm that's kinda strange. Oh wait it's ok because you know more than 80% of Americans do right? Because you read some blog page and everything you read is true right? Wow you are smart, I guess I should have known! Silly ignorant American me!

From a Socieoeconomic standpoint, I beg to differ. We have had one of the lowest, if not the lowest, unemployment rates in the G8 for years. Chalk it up to steady GDP/ GNP growth or a lack of a permanent unemployement welfare handout like most G8 nations. From a social standpoint we are vastly different. We are not a welfare state, other G8 nations. We do not have state run health care, higher education, or many other services. Thus we are not taxed for them.

I happen to like it that way. If you want to go to college, get a poking job and pay for yourself. I also like the fact that we have no permanent unemployment insurance. Kinda gives a little motivation to find a job, instead of cashing those checks and waiting till you find the perfect job which will fulfill everything missing in your life!

I personally believe that privitization is a more efficient way of running things. Thus you can see why I may be inclined to keep health care privatized, along with a number of other things. I guess I just don't agree with the social democratic ideology of many of the G8 nations.

If you like it so much, just stay up there. It won't be happening in the US anytime soon.

I'd say the arguement boils down to pure ideological differences. No one has ever been persuaded by forum debates, which is why they are more or less futile.

Oh yeah I almost forgot: McCain 08

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I'll be a dick as say it. THERE IS NO WAY I WANT THE SAME HEALTH CARE AS THE PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL BITCHING IN ORLEANS!!! Personally I know no one worse off than they were 4 years ago. And to add insult to injury I love the the new 401k tax dodge that now allows in excess of 100k to be dodged and 50% to be pulled out right away. I am sorry. When every job position in the entire state is filled I am all for hands outs. But as long as their is any job unfilled there is no excuse for hand outs and wellfare. You want wellfare? You in my area?/ Come see me. I ill give you a job. I'll even pay min wage. But you dont want that? You want something for nothing? I don't think so.

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Yeah, that's right, don't criticize my nation unless you have any idea what you are talknig about. I will certainly agree that the US unemployment system is more effective at forcing displaced Americans into some form of employment no matter the lavel based on their skills or education. And you are right, US unemployment rates are the lowest of the G8, however, the technical definition of unemployment differes from country to country which can explain some of the difference - but not all of it, and your point is valid.

Don't worry, I try to minimize the number of visits I make to the US because honestly, I don't feel safe or welcome when I'm there. I have no intention of ever re-locating there, so no worries, but as a caring human being I do worry about how backwards US domestic policy is with respect to social goods.

First of all, your health care system is far from privatized, the US government remains the single largest drug purchaser in the US - hmmm.

What about things like high levels of personal debt among middle class Americans. How can a family with an interest only mortgage afford to send their children to university when they can't even make any headway on owning a home. And for what will they go to university these days - not science or engineering or something useful, but something useless like and arts degree (me!!) or some other 'personal interest' degree that's going to cost $100k or more.

Here is a legitimate comparison to China or India as showcased in Tom Friedmens book "The World Is Flat". India is turning out something like 200,000 engineers a day, and earning more patents per capita then ever before whereas patents per capita are dropping in the US. The fact that higher education is so expensive, is being mis-used (really, what's a BA in Sociology going to get you?) is leading to the US' innovative edge being comprimised.

And also true that no one is swayed by online forums. People are generally too ignorant or short sighted to see the problems. And merely presenting showcasing other peopels problems results in backlash. Illustrate some Canadian problems and I'll petition my MP for change. But you don't know any, and while i showcase many problems that are leading the US into a WORSE (read - already bad) state all I get is backlash, and it seems it only comes from those who don't need assistance. And if you don't need assistance, then no one should. Afterall, your parents and grandparents worked hard to build a foundation for you to prosper in - JUST like a monarchy!

One last shock and awe point. Given the international disdain the US has attracted especially since GWB has gotten his hands on your country, and the socioeconomic conditions leading to such civil unrest throughout poor areas of the US, the coutnry is being attacked by domestically and abroad all the while being led by a man who can't go one press conference without "back home in texas".

Just remember next time you fill up, you're supporting me! Nothing up here, but nice people, safe streets, oil, and free accesible and effective health care... oh did i mention, surplus budgets!! :D

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Yeah, that's right, don't criticize my nation unless you have any idea what you are talknig about. I will certainly agree that the US unemployment system is more effective at forcing displaced Americans into some form of employment no matter the lavel based on their skills or education. And you are right, US unemployment rates are the lowest of the G8, however, the technical definition of unemployment differes from country to country which can explain some of the difference - but not all of it, and your point is valid.

Don't worry, I try to minimize the number of visits I make to the US because honestly, I don't feel safe or welcome when I'm there. I have no intention of ever re-locating there, so no worries, but as a caring human being I do worry about how backwards US domestic policy is with respect to social goods.

First of all, your health care system is far from privatized, the US government remains the single largest drug purchaser in the US - hmmm.

What about things like high levels of personal debt among middle class Americans. How can a family with an interest only mortgage afford to send their children to university when they can't even make any headway on owning a home. And for what will they go to university these days - not science or engineering or something useful, but something useless like and arts degree (me!!) or some other 'personal interest' degree that's going to cost $100k or more.

Here is a legitimate comparison to China or India as showcased in Tom Friedmens book "The World Is Flat". India is turning out something like 200,000 engineers a day, and earning more patents per capita then ever before whereas patents per capita are dropping in the US. The fact that higher education is so expensive, is being mis-used (really, what's a BA in Sociology going to get you?) is leading to the US' innovative edge being comprimised.

And also true that no one is swayed by online forums. People are generally too ignorant or short sighted to see the problems. And merely presenting showcasing other peopels problems results in backlash. Illustrate some Canadian problems and I'll petition my MP for change. But you don't know any, and while i showcase many problems that are leading the US into a WORSE (read - already bad) state all I get is backlash, and it seems it only comes from those who don't need assistance. And if you don't need assistance, then no one should. Afterall, your parents and grandparents worked hard to build a foundation for you to prosper in - JUST like a monarchy!

One last shock and awe point. Given the international disdain the US has attracted especially since GWB has gotten his hands on your country, and the socioeconomic conditions leading to such civil unrest throughout poor areas of the US, the coutnry is being attacked by domestically and abroad all the while being led by a man who can't go one press conference without "back home in texas".

Just remember next time you fill up, you're supporting me! Nothing up here, but nice people, safe streets, oil, and free accesible and effective health care... oh did i mention, surplus budgets!! :D

My personal economy is feeling a little weak. I am tired of providing you with message board welfare. Its time you carried your weight.

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My personal economy is feeling a little weak. I am tired of providing you with message board welfare. Its time you carried your weight.

So that's how you shut a know it all canadian up, make 'em come off the cash and they run away with their tail behind their legs!

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