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Help Id This Oil Leak

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Here's link to a pic I took today.

I began to leak some oil a couple weeks ago, lots and lots of drops on my garage floor. I figured it was the RMS. Took it to the shop, and they said that the leak appeared to be coming from _above_ the RMS. They noted that the flame trap was gunked up to high heaven, along with 2 feet of vacuum hose. These items were replaced, and they said that this may reduce some of the crankcase pressure...and so my leaking may stop or significantly slow.

Well, I am finding small drops on my floor. Nothing serious. I just did an oil change so I'll monitor the amount of leakage. It may not even be enough to gauge by checking the dip stick. But I did take a picture. It seems to be coming from the "seam" that parallels the three bolts toward the top of the pic. And it seems to collect and drip from the middle bolt. Note the golden (recently changed) oil on the center one. I guess this is where the transmission and the engine meet???


Any ideas? Thanks.

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looks like the middle bolt is the culprit.

I"ve read previous posts from Rich, talking about leaks in the head area around the plugs, coming from loose bolts and he recommended removing the suspect bolt, cleaning it and applying locktite and tightening the bolt to its specified torque.

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