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Obeying The Speed Limit Can Be Dangerous!


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Not sure if this is a repost - haven't seen it here, but it's great!!


It's so true too - speed limits are so arbitrary, they don't reflect societies opinions and they don't increase safety. All they do is generate fine revenue for governments!

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I'd kill'em...... well not kill them, but that would piss me off sooooooooooooooo bad

In situations like that, I deem the emergency lane a valid lane for passing. :ph34r: Just look for hubcaps in there before you attempt the move *true story *. <_<

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the point the guy made about "55 is the limit, everyone drives 75, but if i drive 80 i'm going to get ticketed when really i'm only going 5 over" - so true!!

And i think that's from Atlanta. I drove through Atlanta at like 2 or 3am a few years ago and was JUST BOOKING. that's a great stretch of interstate - especially when there is no traffice!!

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the tempers/attitudes of people is what I saw in this film...

and THAT my friends is the MAIN problem with AMERICAN roads...

No matter how high the speed limit is, not everyone will follow it..

I vote, remove the speed limits, let all the people kill themselves off... and then we can have roads with drivers and comon sense :)

(ofcourse i'd hibernate indoors for about a week...)

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the tempers/attitudes of people is what I saw in this film...

and THAT my friends is the MAIN problem with AMERICAN roads...

No matter how high the speed limit is, not everyone will follow it..

I vote, remove the speed limits, let all the people kill themselves off... and then we can have roads with drivers and comon sense :)

(ofcourse i'd hibernate indoors for about a week...)

Darwinism FTW!!!!!!

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