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Obeying The Speed Limit Can Be Dangerous!


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the tempers/attitudes of people is what I saw in this film...

and THAT my friends is the MAIN problem with AMERICAN roads...

No matter how high the speed limit is, not everyone will follow it..

I vote, remove the speed limits, let all the people kill themselves off... and then we can have roads with drivers and comon sense :)

(ofcourse i'd hibernate indoors for about a week...)

yep, most american drivers are idiots.

why can't we have smart people like on the autobahn? people MOVE the f over when theres someone behind them, you can't pass on the right, and you can't make gestures to other drivers. SMART!

oh well.... :(

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Highway speed limit's in Ottawa are 100kph, but police will not pull you over unless you are going over 118kph. The fines start at around 20kph over. Anything under is a warning. Under 118kph, they will never pull you over, since it's following the flow of the traffic. I recal driving home with a friend a few months ago, on this 80kph road situated between two fields of farm land. There were about 15 cars all lined up in the two lanes traveling the same speed. I looked at the speedometer, said we were all going 120kph approx. 40kph over the speed limit, we then all passed a patrol car as a group, I was stuck in the middle, but the cop didn't move at all. Just stayed at the side of the road and watched as 15 cars passed going 40kph over the limit. Sedans, full sized vans, pick up trucks, all different vehicle types at the same speed. Around here, police will seek out individual cars traveling alone. Generally, if you're in a pack, they won't really bother since you're all doing the same speed, and common sense tells you it's best to follow traffic.

That film made a great statement about highway speed limits. I'll drive 80kph in a 100 zone when the weather is bad, but if it's warm, clear and dry, I'll stay around 115kph, or follow the speed of the traffic, which is generally around 120kph in the 100 zone. The way our main highway going through the city is designed, there are no places for police to hide with a radar gun. There is nowhere for them to hide and catch you. I've not once, ever seen a cop with a radar gun hiding along the highway in the city. Even overpasses or exit ramps, you won't get pulled over on the highway unless you're doing a much higher speed than the traffic, and just happen to pass a cruiser driving on the same highway. And radar detectors are illegal in Ontario.

Out in the country, there is plenty of space for an OPP car to hide. That's where I got my first ticket. Only car on the road, out in the middle of nowhere with nothing on either side on the highway just cruising at 127kph. In the city, you can cruise at 127kph on the highway if there is very little traffic, and you pretty much won't get caught, unless you're swerving around like and idiot and happen to pass a cop driving next to you. Now that would be quite silly.

I've yet to encounter a region of law enforcement that will pull someone over for going under 5kph over the limit, that's just not how it works around here. If you get a ticket, you probably deserve it. My first ticket was BS and I was out of town, but my second was my fault. So if the average cruising speed on the 417 highway through Ottawa is 120kph, why not just up the limit to 120kph, but increase the rules as to how fast over before you can be ticketed. For example, instead of getting ticketed for going 20+ over in a 100, get ticketed for going 10+ over in a 120. No one ever follows highway speed limits, and the idea of raising the speed limit on the highway has been thrown around a lot in the last few years. The way newer cars are being designed and powered, we're ever so slowly, becoming a faster paced society.

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Ed, do the members here and yourself a favor:

Don't post long essays (which probably nobody will read) about useless information in Ottawa and such. Not many will care about how fast you have gone there or what the limits are or even the cops' reaction to speeding. It simply isn't worth our time, your time, or the post space for that matter.

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Man you're bored. Go out drinking or something.

funny you should say that.. both those last posts were on quick visits to my computer.. away from being messed up!

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