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Excused Absense


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Hi all:

Please move to proper forum.

My apologies for not being around for the last couple weeks. My new computer Mobo died and rather than mess around with Fry's nonsense and warranty I bought another brand which my hard drive didn't like. It starts to boot but then produces the dreaded Blue Screen, settings are needing tweaking perhaps. I'm using a 6 gig with a slave of 40 while I sort out the 80 gb and all my work of the last 3 yrs.

As if that isn't bad enough, Monday Feb. 27th during all the rain here in So.Ca. we were southbound on I-5 when an 18 wheeler in the north bound lost control and hit the center divider. This threw the fiberglass fenders and hood over the center guard rail into the 3 fast lanes of the south bound traffic. These were 4x6 pieces which blocked the freeway so I pulled over to the center emergency lane clear them and inspect for potential tire puncture. I'm calling 911 to tell them to send a HASMAT for diesel is pouring down the rain gutters, got a busy signal so tried again and got back in car. Just as we were about to leave a woman traveling at perhaps 70 lost control swapped ends and broadsided us which totaled our much loved S70 and then backwards into a 2005 Infinity.. My wifes side airbag went off and I never knew it, never saw it happening never knew what happened, I actually thought an explosion had occured.. I was partly facing her at the time of the impact so the side of my head hit the head rest and must have been knocked unconscious for a fraction of a second, we are both screaming in pain, but she notices the car is moving. I grab the hand brake which is set, I grab the gear shift which is in park and finally had the presense of mind to press on the brake which stopped our travel. The car is totaled for she forced us into the guard rail and then forward some 100 feet from where we had parked.

No broken bones, no blood, not a window broken, but the lower body apron of the trunk is 1/2"-3/4" forward of the rear bumper. Drivers door hard to open, passenger door very hard to open and never closed again. Trunk once opened also won't close and some right rear inner plastic fender panel is rubbing against the tire side wall.

My wife and I were taken by ambulance to ER since I could barely stand and my wife apparently was hit in the head by the side airbag plus injuries from the seat and shoulder belt. We are both suffering from every sore muscle you can imagine and my wife is having dizzy spells though the CT and X-rays scan showed nothing. I am more sore than my m'cycle get off at 70 mph a year ago so this had to be a winner.

The coverpage of the CHP report makes no mention of the the tractor trailer going upside down and throwing parts over into oncoming traffic forcing everyone to stop.


I will return to the forums and continue to offer help when we are feeling a little better. Need to start looking for a replacement car in the next week or so and get my computer back to where it was before all this nonsense.



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Guest AlvinL

Sorry to hear about your accident. That is quite an impact to be pushed that far. The driver must not have been paying attention to not have noticed the accident up ahead before plowing into you and the Infinity at that speed. What was she doing?!?!

I wish you and your wife a speedy recovery. Sad to hear about the loss of your car but it sounds like your car did it's job and saved you both from far worse injuries.

Volvo for Safety!

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