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do you ever find that you just dont have enough time to do things

right now im so swamped for things that its not even funny

im in a band that performs regularly, in the musical, spring track, lifting, homework, term paper, prepping for SATs, trombone, singing, and then time for my gf and my friends

ive had my gauges ready to be put in my car since christmas, wanting to nicely remove the pinstripe (halfway done) and then use goo gone? (whats the actual product name) to wash it all off and give the car a nice look, put in my amp and sub, and while im doing all this...i have to work for 40 more hours during all of this to pay for my trip to see my best friend in chile this summer

i hate that all my car stuff falls to the side, but hopefully a weekend day will come up thats not overrun by stuff so that i can work on the car and get some stuff in

feel free to rant about time and stuff

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I find that at my busiest times, I too enjoy just posting on Volvo message boards. Why do the work you need to, when you can complain about it in a public setting? Actually, I have a ton of work to do...I just put it off until the last minute, and get it all done then. Sure, I could get a 98% if I did it right now, but why bother when I can get an 85% and do it in a week...

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HA, so there are folks like me out there! i took yesterday off and i should be trying to get these deals approved, but its almost like i try to balance out my time at work, you know?

"okay im going to work on these deals for 30 minutes, then im gonna go on volvospeed for 45 minutes"

this place does make the day go by alot faster!

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