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Its 11:00 Pm


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I got it :) Them east coast guys just don't understand "stuff"...

Dude we don't understand sh*t u west coast f--kers talk about. But I do understand all my Spanish stuff for my test and oral interview today. :)

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Haha, thanks...I just finished studying up for both of them so I should be good. If u ever need to memorize lines or memorize something by listening to it verbally, get a microphone and record it on sound recorder. Then save it as a .wav file and put it on a CD or on an iPod, then listen to it over and over again. It helps so much.

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Let me tell you all about my day since yours is so ruff. Woke up late for school, hauled booty to school, parked. Got out, realized the Juniors testing wasn't finished. I wasnt late, awesome. Went to grab breakfast, on my way my friend calls me tells me school just opened. I turned my car around, went back and parked, got no breakfast. Ended up late for school.

got written up at school because a kid wanted to fight me, for no reason, keep in mind, i am starving, still half asleep, and bitter because I have to work after school. I restrained myself, and i told him to go monkey himself. A teacher apparantly thought my actions were inappropriate, i was disciplined, the other kid sat down with not even a word said to him by the teacher (that was the kid that told me "he should kick my monkeyin jerk" for talkin trash about his rusted 92 civic hatchback. And i wasnt even a jerk it was just a joke)

got out of school at 1 worked til 6,

then had rehearsal for a talent show that i am running lights for at the elementary school from 6 - 8

got home around 8:30, ate a pop tart, i drank two cans of coke, two cans of seltzer, and ate a bowl full of peanuts. worked on the paper, took notes, read small sections of the book.

fell asleep for 15 or so minutes at my computer desk, and drooled all over my keyboard, my notes, my pants and my book.

a pop-up ad woke me up with some sort of stupid music and shoot the terrorists for a free ipod, awesom.

its 1 am early morning Friday on the east coast,

im doing my stupid war of the worlds literary criticism term paper.

im on page 5, and need two more pages. i know this isnt the biggest assignment anyones ever heard of, its just that i wasted the first two weeks. and its due tomoro 9am.

at least we are supposed to see temperatures in the mid 60's tomorrow, but the way my day went it'll probably be -20 degrees and an ice storm.


way to be a.fox! :tup:

P.s. anyone else notice i am wasting my time here instead of doing my paper and goin to bed?


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