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Speedometers And Microcontrollers


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**This was a PM originally meant for LiquidKernel but I figured I would post it here since his PM inbox is full.**

Hey, I figured you were the guy to ask about something I am trying to figure out. Basically what I am trying to do is convert a variable AC signal to a variable 12V output pulse (and it would be a very fast pulse)

Basically, I have a 95 850 with an S70 cluster and no speed sensor in my manual trans. I am looking to tap off of one of the ABS sensors (~0-2VAC) and convert it to 12 or 48 pulses per revolution (I would have to do the math and some trial and error with GPS) but it would still probably be looking at up to 50 pulses per second. Just wondering if this is something a microcontroller could handle or what might be good to use. I know it can be done (the factory 850 cluster does it, and I have thought of using it just for translation, but I would rather come up with a better solution.)

Anyways, just bouncing some ideas off of you.

Also, how hard would it be to code something like that. I am fairly competent with electronics, but I have never been a big fan of coding but I might have to learn a bit.


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