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I grow tired, as a taxpayer, having my hard earned tax dollars spent on teaching kids that it's not ok to disagree. That it's not ok to be proud of yourself (as a straight, white, male etc)... That it (fill in object) can only be acceptable once everyone is happy with it and it offends no one.

I grow tired of everyone saying lets be equal, but then, pointing out our differences. For F's sake, I dont care if you're black, gay, jewish, french, immigrant whatever, If I dont like you as a person, I simply dont like YOU.

I dont want to pay teachers to tell my kid that everyone is a winner. BS!!! In life, there are winners and losers. If you suck at something, get better. If you want to make more money, get a better job. If you need more education to get a better job, f'ing go to school. I dont want to hear that BS that the man is holding ANYONE down that is a citizen. You make your own destiny.

New thing in St. Paul public offices, recently... Everyone had to take down anything referring to Easter.... no easter bunnies, easter candy, or easter greetings. They were afraid it was going to offend non-christians.... What the h3ll does a friggin bunny have to do with Christ?

long story short......... I'm tired of the politcally correct movement. it needs to stop. be morally responsible. people are people. move on.

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i hear ya!!! seeds advocates diversity and being proud of who you are

Be careful. The word DIVERSITY today means NOT TOLERATING anything that might be intolerant or insensitive of another's beliefs or feelings. Seeds is more than likely opposed to anything that would "alienate" anyone else, just as in Zimmys e-mail where they had to take down ALL stuff relating to Easter because it MIGHT offend someone.

It's totally ridiculous. So what if someone gets offended, Boo Hoo. No one's putting a gun to their head and saying "GO FIND THE EGGS, BASTARD!"

If we take it to the end game, we become a society that can't believe in anything but everything.

Edited by RAzOR
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Be careful. The word DIVERSITY today means NOT TOLERATING anything that might be intolerant or insensitive of another's beliefs or feelings. Seeds is more than likely opposed to anything that would "alienate" anyone else, just as in Zimmys e-mail where they had to take down ALL stuff relating to Easter because it MIGHT offend someone.

It's totally ridiculous. So what if someone gets offended, Boo Hoo. No one's putting a gun to their head and saying "GO FIND THE EGGS, BASTARD!"

If we take it to the end game, we become a society that can't believe in anything but everything.

thanks for the lesson, i'll keep that in mind

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thanks for the lesson, i'll keep that in mind

You are soooo smarmy.

Seriously, the manipulation of the concept of diversity is not a lesson but rather something we all need to be vigilant of.

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sorry for being a smart ass sir, i'll keep try to be more careful with my words

I love the word "smarmy".

"Bugger" is absolutely the best to use. I call people "buggers" in meetings and they think its cute. For a select few (not being called buggers), it hilarious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Blah.. Alright, for all the people saying we're being made to embrace minorities' cultures and to hate the American culture in the name of political correctness, give me a break.. The "American" culture is diversity. This country is built on immigrants. You guys have turned "don't be ignorant and bigoted" into "hate yourself for being white". You're just sounding paranoid/overly defensive.

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Blah.. Alright, for all the people saying we're being made to embrace minorities' cultures and to hate the American culture in the name of political correctness, give me a break.. The "American" culture is diversity. This country is built on immigrants. You guys have turned "don't be ignorant and bigoted" into "hate yourself for being white". You're just sounding paranoid/overly defensive.

The politcally correctness trend is a joke. You can't do anything anymore with out "offending" someone or some group. They can all suck it IMO.

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there's a difference between being politically correct and having the courtesy and manors of not offending someone based on things that they can't control. the further being a trend and paranoia like swdracr (i'm sorry, i dont know your name) and greg said, the latter being kindness.... that doesn't make much sense so i'll conclude with I AGREE!!

i think its fun to learn about different cultures that co-exist in our communities. aside from my italian side of the family, i dont really get exposed to a lot of "culture"

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