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Fiberglass Custom Cai


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Unfortunately, it's gonna be accordian until I have a better solution :ph34r: .

Just buy the bends and put it together with silicone pipes... that is what... Slater? did, for under 100$ including the filter! Granted he used a paint car... but you got the glass instead.

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Ok here's what I got done with a few minutes ago;

Saturday while the epoxy was drying outside my dad blew all the leftover leaves out of our law, onto the mold :(


Equiped to sand. I guess the epoxy dust is bad for your lungs.


Hard to tell but it's sanded fairly smooth, I'm gonna coat it again and sand again to get it perfectly smooth.


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Ok here's what I got done with a few minutes ago;

Saturday while the epoxy was drying outside my dad blew all the leftover leaves out of our law, onto the mold :(


Thats when you say... Hey dad, you just ruined my expensive mold, time to fork out the bucks for the custom setup I want to buy!

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  • 7 months later...

I'll work on it more once my bro gets home from school for christmas. The design is definately being changed though since I had a close call with a huge puddle in the middle of the road. I'll probably wind up doing a battery turn and CAI that way. When i get time tomorrow ill repost the pics.

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rofl.. you noobs! look at the dates

First people oh yeah! about how no one ever searches, that's been asked a hundred times, etc.

Then when someone DOES search they oh yeah! about thread resurrections.


Shmoke and a pancake? Bong and a blintz? Well I guess there is no pleasing you Mr. Powers.


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You're supposed to search to inform yourself about a topic, then make a new topic with relevent questions that need to be clarified. That being said, I'm not bitching, just thought it was funny people were surprised to see broken links from 6 months ago

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