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In An Effort To Improve Vs


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In light of recent events, I had an idea to open a thread up to suggestions on improving the interactions between VolvoSpeed members. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of the content of the forum, the efficiency of the modrating staff, and ultimately make VS a happy place to be.

It is my strong belief that a member should NEVER, EVER, EVER leave or feel the need to do so because of the actions/words/etc. of another member. It is a failure of the moderating team and the community as a whole when this happens.

I'm asking for your input and suggestions on things that can be done to improve the site, namely in respect to disagreements between members, between a member and a moderator or between moderatos. When this gets out of hand, it reflects negatively on the community as a whole and gives a horrible impression to new/potential members.

I must stress: If you have an issue, this is not the place to discuss it, nor to flame anyone. I don't want any names, nor specific events mentioned. I want suggestions or ideas about how to fix problems like you might have had. I, myself have plenty of ideas, but I want others' input, as well.

An example might be:

"Provide a clear, written policy for discussing disputes over a product purchased through VS, and ensure that everyone follows it while discussing that topic."


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Thats a great idea IMO

I say make it 20 posts.

I wouldn't mind seeing Member Announcements and Group Buys separated or tie in group buys with the classifieds where it probably belongs. Member Announcements should really be for members to make announcements about themselves or something of that nature or for threads like this or for general questions unrelated to specific topics. We could name it Member Announcements/General Discussion but still related to Volvos. Also make a separate forum for meet announcements and discussions.

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Make it mandatory for members to input a location and search

I honestly think that sometimes the "search" responses can be taken the wrong way.

We were all newbies... no one should be afraid to Ask a question...

I do understand the frustration that comes with the SAME QUESTIONS over and over... perhaps the answer should be given and the topic closed / merged with the original topic on hand...

Also.. The information condensing is great... but there isnt enough of a central place for these "lame" questions that pop up over and over. the Bay13 part of the site was GREAT! VS should build upon what is there and create a bigger knowledge base.

THEN, we can easily point the "repeated" questions to a place with the answer, without saying "search" or people saying that "i searched and I cannot find it."

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I honestly think that sometimes the "search" responses can be taken the wrong way.

We were all newbies... no one should be afraid to Ask a question...

I do understand the frustration that comes with the SAME QUESTIONS over and over... perhaps the answer should be given and the topic closed / merged with the original topic on hand...

Also.. The information condensing is great... but there isnt enough of a central place for these "lame" questions that pop up over and over. the Bay13 part of the site was GREAT! VS should build upon what is there and create a bigger knowledge base.

THEN, we can easily point the "repeated" questions to a place with the answer, without saying "search" or people saying that "i searched and I cannot find it."

Kind of in addition to this, if you're gonna yell REPOST, include the link to where it was. A lot of times, it was searched for, and wasn't found. If you post the link, it helps other see what they missed.

The only person I've seen do this is Kevin.

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Another thought. I say we make an effort to consolodate a lot of this information that we have gathered into the VS main site, not the forums. The forums are too unorganized for this kind of data and a tree system with customer reviews and links to the threads would be a lot better. I.E. we could have sections that related to wheels, and a sub-section to wheel dimensions, styles etc.., another sub-section with pictures on different cars, another with places to buy etc..., another with info on spacer requirements etc..

We could do those for things like Stage 0 mods with sub-sections outlining each one in plain english with links to the threads related to them and pictures etc.. and explanations as to why we do these things and the pros/cons.

Another sections could be brakes. Reviews of each type of BBK and stock brakes and sizes and what wheels fits and install reviews etc...

An so on and so on.

The forums just don't have the ability to clearly outline all this information clearly. We have done well with what we have but I feel this will really cut down on the questions and reposts etc.. and they could easily be added to as information is updated or customer reviews/opinions change.

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The only person I've seen do this is Kevin.

NO NAMES! *Slaps with glove, fires deuling pistol.*

Just kidding, he's right.

All good suggestions. The goal is to organize an official policy that members and mods alike would adhere to, keep it coming.

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Due to what seems like a recent increase in spam, I say all new members have at least 10 posts, before they can start their own thread. This will also promote the use of the search feature

Never going to happen. The maintenance forums are a huge part of the VS community and it wouldn't be fair to new members that have an issue with their car if they have to post 10 stupid posts just to able to start a thread. I think it would bring an increase in stupid posts like the "+1" posts. ;)

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Never going to happen. The maintenance forums are a huge part of the VS community and it wouldn't be fair to new members that have an issue with their car if they have to post 10 stupid posts just to able to start a thread. I think it would bring an increase in stupid posts like the "+1" posts. ;)

so counter it with an alternative suggestion to the problem, instead of "you're wrong."

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so counter it with an alternative suggestion to the problem, instead of "you're wrong."

I say you're being part of this problem, stop pointing fingers yourself and coming with an alterative solution. ;)

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