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In An Effort To Improve Vs


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replace the search function explicitly with a call to google with "site:volvospeed.com" although this might require some analysis to see if it's reasonable, it would at least cut down on the "3 letter search" complaints :) (like mine!)

Ya know you can do searches with more then 3 words.

For instance, try volvo then + rims, IE: volvo + rims- it's in advanced search ;)

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replace the search function explicitly with a call to google with "site:volvospeed.com" although this might require some analysis to see if it's reasonable, it would at least cut down on the "3 letter search" complaints :) (like mine!)

Google isn't always up to date, but you can still do that yourself.

It also doesn't let you restrict your search to a certain forum easily.

There are also many other advanced search functions you can't use...

It's not a good replacement, but it is a good second option.

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I'd trade you and Doug for one noob. Doug as an open innvite to return but is too good to take it. Yeah I know. Its a little flippant now, but after telling him many times I sorta don't care. If you want to go jerk him off and swallow to get him back go for it. But for good measure one more time:

Doug, you are more than welcome back. We would love to have help answering all the ever mounting questions.

If it sucks a little more each time why come back? Again not to be rude or anything, but why put yourself through this?

It's not to the point where i'm being 'put through' this that is driving me 'away'.

1) i'm exceptionally bored right now

2) there is still SOME quality material here

3) the breaking point is fast approaching

probably just better for everyone if i just went to "long time poster, first time reader" status... hmm

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Another thought. I say we make an effort to consolodate a lot of this information that we have gathered into the VS main site, not the forums. The forums are too unorganized for this kind of data and a tree system with customer reviews and links to the threads would be a lot better. I.E. we could have sections that related to wheels, and a sub-section to wheel dimensions, styles etc.., another sub-section with pictures on different cars, another with places to buy etc..., another with info on spacer requirements etc..

We could do those for things like Stage 0 mods with sub-sections outlining each one in plain english with links to the threads related to them and pictures etc.. and explanations as to why we do these things and the pros/cons.

Another sections could be brakes. Reviews of each type of BBK and stock brakes and sizes and what wheels fits and install reviews etc...

An so on and so on.

The forums just don't have the ability to clearly outline all this information clearly. We have done well with what we have but I feel this will really cut down on the questions and reposts etc.. and they could easily be added to as information is updated or customer reviews/opinions change.

I agree to this big time... A parts section to popular mods, for your three sections in the forums. Something to start people in the right direction. Even a listing of the simple bolts on requiring minutes to something more serious needing garage time(if you got one).

This could greatly short cut answers for beginners and be a great reference for mechanics. Even to have available a downloadable instructions, from the manufacture to John Smith's how to install. We got to rate them, whether by quality or quantity. :)

Does that work?

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It's not to the point where i'm being 'put through' this that is driving me 'away'.

1) i'm exceptionally bored right now

2) there is still SOME quality material here

3) the breaking point is fast approaching

probably just better for everyone if i just went to "long time poster, first time reader" status... hmm

You should help out and write up some installs for the site. Help with content.

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I think that:

1) There should be a "visitor/new user" forum without calling them noobies, etc. that has all different pinned topics on various categories, so this way they don't have to click over to performance forums for stage 0, and then again click over to cosmetic forums for rims, etc.

2) a)member announcements, b)group buys, c)events/meets, should each have their own forum.

3) Performance modifications should be broken down into, handling, suspension, weight reduction, engine, tires/rims, etc.

4) A "how to" section should be made. Maybe even a few seperate ones, ie: a)performance how-to, b)maintanance how-to, c) electronic how-to, etc. I know bay 13 exists, but it is not too updated and this gives everyone a chance to teach and be taught. One person posts each how-to, and people respond with relative questions/comments. Irrelavant stuff gets deleted just to make it shorter. Or after original post was edited as suggested by some one else, their suggestion gets deleted as it has been corrected.

5) The "dealership vendors and independent reviews" forum is hardly seen and it has no red icon like the others. Also, it should be broken down into a)helpful links and b)reviews.

6) A.s.s should be allowed to be said. It is no biggie. It does not offend anyone. I checked to see that the n-word is thankfully blocked, but chink, etc. is not. That can be offensive to people. Context is important. I can say to a girl, "I f-ing love you" and that would be a nice thing, but I can also say without cursing, "You are the ugliest, fattest, slut I have ever met, and I can not believe you were the fastest sperm your dad squirt into your mom" and that would be terrible.

7) The search filter should also be based on context. Three letter words like: QBM, key, cam, FWD, gap, BBK, etc. are farely scarce and unique and could help some one find something relevant. Certain 3 letters words like: and, was, how.....should be filtered. There are four letter words that even give bad results. What if I search for the words: from, this, that, don't, will?

8) Finally, this is silly but...how about a dating classified section, where maybe we can colaberate with other car forums to find girls that are into cars as much as we are, or even girls on this site if there are any. That is the one quality I can never find in a girl- one who loves and knows about cars, and who can drive stick. She's gotta be hot though. Pics would be a must- of her and her car. Reminds me of how I went to an all boy catholoc highschool for the first 2 years, and we had dances at our "sister" schools where I met my ex-girlfriend. Just a thought. I might be alone on this one. Hope not though.

Anthony P.

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