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In An Effort To Improve Vs


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Never going to happen. The maintenance forums are a huge part of the VS community and it wouldn't be fair to new members that have an issue with their car if they have to post 10 stupid posts just to able to start a thread. I think it would bring an increase in stupid posts like the "+1" posts. ;)

They did this on maxima.org forums. People started spamming other threads to get thier 10 posts. Keep in mind that it was occasional though. The mods would just have to keep an eye out for this. Other than that, it works pretty well.


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I actually dont believe that we have to be babysat... People do stupid things sometimes... I disagree with there being a specific way to handle things, that seems like we are all a bunch of babies who dont know how to work things out... Its good to have different opinions and healthy arguments, but I dont think there needs to be a VS constitution which states what the "10 commandments" are or something like that... The majority of us are mature enough to know how to handle ourselves... I dont think that these issues that have come up come up often enough or are so plentiful that we need a rulebook to a website.

As for the idea of 10 posts or more I thikn thats a great idea but gregg brought up an excellent point, some people really need help and if they cant post as a guest then what else will they do? Im torn.

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i think VS is great as is right now.....we have fun, we mostly get along, and Greg is a sarcastic prick. what else do we need? :P

seriously, I like it. Just cuz two members had an issue for a day, no need for drastic measures. We'll forget about things that happen in a week or two, no biggie.

I think the biggest improvement Charles, Greg, and Kevin made was the Supporting Members Idea. Those who actively and financially support VS should have their own space sometimes, and should have first "dibs" on group events and other things. Member reviews is also a great tool, but we can't abuse it. IE, let's make issues private before going public. Post problems with member transactions in Member Reviews, not in Off topic or performance mods, even if you have pics and stuff. But mainly, give privacy a chance, and if that fails after a few attempts at resolution, you have every right to post about it IN MEMBER REVIEWS. If you are unsure about whether or not to post something, then PM a mod, and make sure. There is no stupid question when it comes to critiqueing another member, and esp if you're unsure about something you're going to post or have an issue with a member. PM A MOD, that's why they're here.

We don't need to make changes as a forum or group, there are some individuals that need to make personal changes and better choices, that's it. Let's let them make those changes, and let the rest of us enjoy what we already enjoy.

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It would be nice if there was a place to report thread concerns to a mod. rather than disrupt a thread.

Example: say a thread is going on for a while and two or more guys are haveing a good disscusion, but are a little off topic. Then someone jumps in the middle and complains, or says stop, or flames when he clearly hasent been contributing or cares!

I'm not that thin skined, but some times it is very anoying.

I think it should be a mod call if its off topic and then he could advise those in question.


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i think VS is great as is right now.....we have fun, we mostly get along, and Greg is a sarcastic prick. what else do we need? :P

seriously, I like it. Just cuz two members had an issue for a day, no need for drastic measures. We'll forget about things that happen in a week or two, no biggie.

I think the biggest improvement Charles, Greg, and Kevin made was the Supporting Members Idea. Those who actively and financially support VS should have their own space sometimes, and should have first "dibs" on group events and other things. Member reviews is also a great tool, but we can't abuse it. IE, let's make issues private before going public. Post problems with member transactions in Member Reviews, not in Off topic or performance mods, even if you have pics and stuff. But mainly, give privacy a chance, and if that fails after a few attempts at resolution, you have every right to post about it IN MEMBER REVIEWS. If you are unsure about whether or not to post something, then PM a mod, and make sure. There is no stupid question when it comes to critiqueing another member, and esp if you're unsure about something you're going to post or have an issue with a member. PM A MOD, that's why they're here.

We don't need to make changes as a forum or group, there are some individuals that need to make personal changes and better choices, that's it. Let's let them make those changes, and let the rest of us enjoy what we already enjoy.

I agree, I think the supporting members is a huge step for VS. We've got some cool things in the works! Like Pras said, if you guys have an issue with another member, contact one of the mods or admins. Don't know if you guys know who Jenna is, but she has become sorta the liaison between members and mods. Chuck is a busy guy, so if you have an issue, contact Jena, Kevin or myself first, then if you don't have a resolution, contact Chuck.

It would be nice if there was a place to report thread concerns to a mod. rather than disrupt a thread.

Example: say a thread is going on for a while and two or more guys are haveing a good disscusion, but are a little off topic. Then someone jumps in the middle and complains, or says stop, or flames when he clearly hasent been contributing or cares!

I'm not that thin skined, but some times it is very anoying.

I think it should be a mod call if its off topic and then he could advise those in question.


There is a report button under each persons posts just for that.

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QUOTE(Plan B @ Apr 4 2006, 06:17 PM)

I say you're being part of this problem, stop pointing fingers yourself and coming with an alterative solution. ;)

I realize my reply sounded a bit hypocritical, but it was more constructive than:

I didn't say you're wrong, I just explained why it's not going to happen jerk.

As for it happening or not, that's not the issue. You've now failed in TWO posts to provide a constructive alternative. I personally like the 10 post idea, maybe down to 5, but some kind of limit. It forces new members to tool around a bit, look through other threads that discuss similar problems and pose questions more specific to their situation. That way, we don't have ten different threads about transmission fluid, with the only difference being a '96, a '00 and a '94 being mentioned by the thread-starter.

5-10 posts isn't that hard: Hell, if they didn't feel like LOOKING first (which I think IS a good idea: make a better FAQ forum/site) then they can just compliment ten people in the show room. Those aren't spam, and again, it still forces them to explore the site a bit before clicking "Start New Topic."

Secondly, I'm still waiting for more ideas regarding member-admin issues. I totally agree that the majority doesn't have issues, but I'm definitely all-for a more stringent edit/delete policy!

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Never going to happen. The maintenance forums are a huge part of the VS community and it wouldn't be fair to new members that have an issue with their car if they have to post 10 stupid posts just to able to start a thread. I think it would bring an increase in stupid posts like the "+1" posts. ;)

Is it possible to apply this rule to people who register with an e-mail account from a free provider? Say someone registers with a hot mail, or yahoo account, then they would have some number of posts, or some obstacle that thay would have to perform, to basically prove they're a real person.

Side note, just making these suggestions to make it a little easier on the moderators. Personally I find some of the stuff you guys change it to, to be hilarious.

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Plan B @ Apr 4 2006, 06:17 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

I say you're being part of this problem, stop pointing fingers yourself and coming with an alterative solution. ;)

I realize my reply sounded a bit hypocritical, but it was more constructive than:

As for it happening or not, that's not the issue. You've now failed in TWO posts to provide a constructive alternative. I personally like the 10 post idea, maybe down to 5, but some kind of limit. It forces new members to tool around a bit, look through other threads that discuss similar problems and pose questions more specific to their situation. That way, we don't have ten different threads about transmission fluid, with the only difference being a '96, a '00 and a '94 being mentioned by the thread-starter.

5-10 posts isn't that hard: Hell, if they didn't feel like LOOKING first (which I think IS a good idea: make a better FAQ forum/site) then they can just compliment ten people in the show room. Those aren't spam, and again, it still forces them to explore the site a bit before clicking "Start New Topic."

Secondly, I'm still waiting for more ideas regarding member-admin issues. I totally agree that the majority doesn't have issues, but I'm definitely all-for a more stringent edit/delete policy!

So I can't argue a point? SUck it. I'll say what I want. You don't get the poing anyways, it's the same reason guests are still allowed to post. Chuck(his site) doesn't want people who have strict firewalls at work to not be able to participate on the site, and he doesn't want to make some joe blow join the site just so they can ask a ? about their car. Not everything has been talked about and in the maintenance for forums diagnosing goes on and that can't be searched a lot of times. I also do not want to see a bunch of n00bs spaming the other forums so they can post a question about aligning pressure plate or "can anyone tell me where this goes" etc etc.

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Secondly, I'm still waiting for more ideas regarding member-admin issues. I totally agree that the majority doesn't have issues, but I'm definitely all-for a more stringent edit/delete policy!

I maybe agree with you here, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by it Andy. I mean, I think they should be dictators, giving them the right to delete anything they want, or even move it into the mod forums for discussion. Overall, the fellas and ladies are pretty fair when it comes to deleting/editing stuff. I get a kick out of the edits, personally, even if they are some of my stupid posts (there are alot of them, I know, so you don't need to point them out Greg and Kevin!).

Here's what I think should happen. If something is deleted or closed by a mod, they simply shoot that member a PM explaining why it was deleted or closed. If there were 100 other threads about that same thing, then PM that member with a link to the search function or even a link to the info they need, and delete the particular thread. Bandwidth and internet space costs alot of money, so the less excess baggage we have, the better it is for all of us, esp Charles and those who donate money to the site. Even I'm guilty of getting lazy and not hitting the search button, but I'll change, I promise!

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maybe its to much to ask, but if i make a post its generally heart felt. as far as i can remember i've never made a post just to stir things up(and if i did i was obvious with icons) or slammed somebody because I was having a bad day.

ie. if i told somebody i like there wheels i meant it. instead of "that looks like crap why did you do that". if you don't have anything nice to say don't. possibly say. " looks nice but not my style" done.

i pretty much treat everybody here like i would a friend, maybe thats me but i don't have time hate or make others miserable on purpose. if i know the answer to help i do. i don't have nearly the knowledge that most of you do but if i can help i do. whats wrong with helping. karma man karma.

i've made post with complete errors and was generally shown where i was wrong and why. i don't mind that and am glad to learn the proper info.

i think its important to keep this forum fun and imformative. i can't stand posting in the R forum on SS because of a couple brown eyes ruining it for others. i've made comments before and been murdered for really no reason. i like the jokes and ideas here.

i like the action here and would hate to see that change. as far as i know i've never had a post altered or deleted, but i can't remember saying anything that needed to be.

i did like the post number idea, maybe 5. if its a spammer its caught and its usually only one post.

the mods are around enough and do a good job. there's a lot of hard work put in on this site.

i really don't feel its necessary to swear on here. i swear, never around my kids and am respectful of others. but just to swear because you've paid money doesn't make it right. even if your mad try using your gray matter and come up with a good adjutive. ie my use of brown eye instead of your anus above. i think howard stern was funnier when he couldn't swear and had to dance around getting his point across.


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