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In An Effort To Improve Vs


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Read the first two pages. No one has even commented about those inputs. This thread has totally taken off and avoided answering the problem: "How do we better organize our knowledge in order to make it as easy to access for outsiders and even us as possible" Answering that will reduce noobie threads and all this other bs we are floundering around about in here.

I'm not even going to start about the comment about the condescending comment about people needing to change and that we should wait or just let them. Ok, so maybe I'll start.... Maybe we should all just be more accepting of each other here and not try to pick on the people who don't know as much. It's ok to have fun but there is a limit - we don't all know each other personally on here. Sarcasm and unrelated comments don't go far if the person they are directed to has no context.

All I'm here for is to learn and help people learn and be with people who share a passion about Volvos and help them share his/her passion here.

prime example of not catching the sarcasm. you know I don't flame too many people in public man! comeon!

Chuck, raise the rate on the banner clicks man....you can make more than 2 cents per click!

Like I posted earlier, I'll post again. I like the site as is. The fellas do what they have to do when they have to do it. We all learn. I was a noob once too, and I got flamed all day long, but I wanted to learn, so I asked my stupid questions, and now I'm answering them. If you can't cut the tension or see through the sarcasm, your flaw, not everybody else's.

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prime example of not catching the sarcasm. you know I don't flame too many people in public man! comeon!

Chuck, raise the rate on the banner clicks man....you can make more than 2 cents per click!

Like I posted earlier, I'll post again. I like the site as is. The fellas do what they have to do when they have to do it. We all learn. I was a noob once too, and I got flamed all day long, but I wanted to learn, so I asked my stupid questions, and now I'm answering them. If you can't cut the tension or see through the sarcasm, your flaw, not everybody else's.

2 cents is exposures. I get over 80 a click

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I think people swear more when word filter pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!! is ON, they start bypassing it with extra letters switching them. If its OFF, nobody really notices it, and they don't need to bypass any word filter pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!!, just say what you say. and somehow i almost never notice swearing on 3geez.com, where no filter presents. Of Course, if someone making a post just to swear, it can be deleted, but if an F or S word stays to connect two words, and doesn't sound rude to anybody, i think it should be fine.

See, I am editing just because of filter

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QUOTE(Plan B @ Apr 4 2006, 08:23 PM)

Andy, you know as many do that if you have a problem to contact the mod for the forum you're having an issue with.

VS will always be VS and these things that you call "issues" will most likely always be here. Take it or leave it. :)

And I did such, PM'd Greg. I won't discuss the success here.

Again, I appreciate everyone that's put positive input towards this topic. For everyone else, thanks for proving my point of needing a little improvement here. We can't make positive suggestions without someone going off the deep end, and look where we're at. Give me through the weekend to dig through all the BS here and find what I was looking for.

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Finally people realise this place is going to hell in a hand basket.

I used to spend the overwhelming majoirt of my internet time on this site, and not anymore.

My suggestions...

1) Allow thread starters to delete their threads. If it's a repost or a simple answer or they realize it was a crappy thread (i.e. a showroom thread to show one mounted rim) then get rid of it - REDUCE THE CLUTTER

2) Reduce the emphasis on post count - the competition to beat 400 posts in a day is lame, more quality, less quanity

3) Less 'members only' crap. I understand the give aways, but I'm a closet political scientist and because I haven't paypaled Chuck any money, i can't have a political opinion - same goes for R forum, blatent 'Supporting Members' forum. Like, all you should be talking about is forum gossip in there cause if real info is being shared then the whole community is weakened if the good info is horded.

4) Moderators not police

5) Thread ranking. I'd like to be able to go into Audio and find the most highly rated threads - again, a focus on quality not quantity

6) User ranking, say a 1 - 10 scale, 1 as a noob, 10 as a Kevin or Chuck or Gregg (eep, how many "g"). If you post quality material people reading it vote and then some fancy math gets you a rank. See a thread started by a 10 (Carson's showroom threads) you want to look...

7) Also, reduce the cliqui-ness, word filter pwns j00!!! (change it to *** instead of stuff that makes you look like a turd)

I can't imagine being a new user right now. So much crap to wade through, little true criticism, moderators breathing down your necks...

Those are my suggestions. This forum for so long had been the only place i went on the net that wasn't full of typical internet anonymous slander. It truly was a supportive community. Real answers, real support, real good volvo chacters. Like in the small community of pimped Volvos, VS had a lot of property (i.e. Doug) and for whatever reason we've lost that.

I'm tired of the I'm dumb - moderator/admin wise, and all the junk that's posted. Want something in the showroom, take some pics - and not with your camera phone. It's a great forum to learn how to use your camera, and present your car in the best fashion.

the rant just keeps comming....

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Let's see, so far, we have:

Minimum post limit for new members, to prevent spammers.

Re-organizing FAQ's and expanding them into Bay 13.

A "suggestion box" for ideas about the site, to be reviewed by admins; not complaints, gripes, bitching or whining, but ideas.

Removal of the word filter pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!! (was that a suggestion or merely an observation?).

Andy (this one) is to "suck it."

Asinine's suggestions:

My suggestions...

1) Allow thread starters to delete their threads. If it's a repost or a simple answer or they realize it was a crappy thread (i.e. a showroom thread to show one mounted rim) then get rid of it - REDUCE THE CLUTTER

2) Reduce the emphasis on post count - the competition to beat 400 posts in a day is lame, more quality, less quanity

3) Less 'members only' crap. I understand the give aways, but I'm a closet political scientist and because I haven't paypaled Chuck any money, i can't have a political opinion - same goes for R forum, blatent 'Supporting Members' forum. Like, all you should be talking about is forum gossip in there cause if real info is being shared then the whole community is weakened if the good info is horded.

4) Moderators not police

5) Thread ranking. I'd like to be able to go into Audio and find the most highly rated threads - again, a focus on quality not quantity

6) User ranking, say a 1 - 10 scale, 1 as a noob, 10 as a Kevin or Chuck or Gregg (eep, how many "g"). If you post quality material people reading it vote and then some fancy math gets you a rank. See a thread started by a 10 (Carson's showroom threads) you want to look...

7) Also, reduce the cliqui-ness, word filter pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!! pwns j00!!! (change it to *** instead of stuff that makes you look like a turd)

Did I miss anything?

Keep in mind, these are suggestions to help the site! Keep up the think tank!

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6) User ranking, say a 1 - 10 scale, 1 as a noob, 10 as a Kevin or Chuck or Gregg (eep, how many "g"). If you post quality material people reading it vote and then some fancy math gets you a rank. See a thread started by a 10 (Carson's showroom threads) you want to look...

:) :)

As for members being able to delete their own threads, I doubt that will happen, but maybe give them the ability to lock their own threads...?

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:) :)

As for members being able to delete their own threads, I doubt that will happen, but maybe give them the ability to lock their own threads...?

What if their haven't been any posts in it, yet? I'm sure you guys can arrange that, or at least see a red flag if a member deletes a thread with ANY replies... Locking might help too, can you eliminate those from coming up in search? I like that we're thinking constructively here!

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What if we had "Best of Volvospeed" yearly awards? I know I really enjoyed voting on the showroom awards. Things like, best picture, best modification, best wheels, best crash, stuff like that.

I hope I win 3/4 of those from 2005 :)

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What if we had "Best of Volvospeed" yearly awards? I know I really enjoyed voting on the showroom awards. Things like, best picture, best modification, best wheels, best crash, stuff like that.

Best crash...definately something to work twords

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What if we had "Best of Volvospeed" yearly awards? I know I really enjoyed voting on the showroom awards. Things like, best picture, best modification, best wheels, best crash, stuff like that.

Like a new showroom forum, just for awards? That would be cool, people post nominations, they're reduced to a poll. Basically what Carson does for the monthly photo project, but with more aspects of the site!

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