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In An Effort To Improve Vs


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yes, yes we did.. and the conclusion was that there are a lot of new users asking the same questions. Not that it hasn't been a 'problem' before, just that with SO many new users, the same questions are comming up more frequently.

I PM'd Chuck and talked to Kevin about the idea of finding a way to promote the quality instead of just quanity. It used to be a safe bet that i could go into Show Room and see some beautiful clean Volvos in some great shots - that's not the case anymore, it's a pic room not a show room - which disappoints me because when I don't have cash for mods, that's where i like to hang out.. rather, liked to hang out.

QUALITY.. that's what's lacking IMO- fix that and everyone wins!

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If anyone is going to be upset about something, at least have the stones like Doug, Andy, Jason, et all to actually say what you're upset about.

It's a little tough, since voicing your concerns is often met with sarcasm and all-out rudeness. I got a chance to speak with Kevin about previous concerns, and I appreciate his willingness to listen; we both learned from it.

I'm not exactly inspired by some of the responses to this brainstorming session. I really didn't want it to turn into a flamefest, but it proves my point of needing a little improvement.

I like the Idea of the "Suggestion Box," would the admins be up for that?

Another idea to combat spam is to open up a spammed thread for members to edit it, first one there gets the right to change it to something entertaining. And what about an electronic security screen while registering? I know some of our spammers are human beings, but it might help a little, maybe?

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It's a little tough, since voicing your concerns is often met with sarcasm and all-out rudeness. I got a chance to speak with Kevin about previous concerns, and I appreciate his willingness to listen; we both learned from it.

I'm not exactly inspired by some of the responses to this brainstorming session. I really didn't want it to turn into a flamefest, but it proves my point of needing a little improvement.

I like the Idea of the "Suggestion Box," would the admins be up for that?

Another idea to combat spam is to open up a spammed thread for members to edit it, first one there gets the right to change it to something entertaining. And what about an electronic security screen while registering? I know some of our spammers are human beings, but it might help a little, maybe?

There is already a electronic security screen while registering.

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oh yeah, forgot, not sposta name names.

Two things

1. I'm really proud of you that you got my name right. First time since I've been on the board

2. I'm speaking for myself here. I'm not mad, nor do I have a problem with VS. My suggestions were just that, suggestions. Bottom line, it's Chuck's sand box. If we want to play, it's his rules. He annointed Kevin, and Greg to run the show, we have to play by their rules. Life is too short, especially since I was just diagnosed with heart disease about 2 hours ago. Everyboy say it with me, "It's just the internet".

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New users might be good for chuck, but for those of us who are buying our own volvos not getting the rents to buy them for us are suffering. As far as I'm concerned i'd trade 600 new n00bs for 1 doug. Losing that source of info was not worth all the clutter that this place has recruited.

this place sucks a little bit more every time i visit!

ya know, doug wasnt god! i like to think that im one of the best in my business, but the day i think i cant be replaced is the day my boss starts lookin for my replacement.

im not sayin doug wasnt a asset to the board, but theres always a positive to everything, that positive is that the 600 noobs that were supposivly traded for doug have probebly spent more money combined on this board, gave alot of useful info, donated more money together and told alot more people about this place.

oh and just for the record, i came on this site because of a certain problem i was having with my car. if i wasnt able post a thread on it shortly after i became a member, theres a good chance i wouldnt have came back after the 3 days or even bothered to do the 20 posts. if i did decide to do the 20 posts, it would have been all bullshit posts anyways. i dont see how anyone could really bitch about anything here, i enjoy being on this board, im glad i found it.

just remember guys, you cant make everyone happy, if you try to, you'll end up pissing off more people that would have to begin with!!!

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As far as I'm concerned i'd trade 600 new n00bs for 1 doug. Losing that source of info was not worth all the clutter that this place has recruited.

this place sucks a little bit more every time i visit!

I'd trade you and Doug for one noob. Doug as an open innvite to return but is too good to take it. Yeah I know. Its a little flippant now, but after telling him many times I sorta don't care. If you want to go jerk him off and swallow to get him back go for it. But for good measure one more time:

Doug, you are more than welcome back. We would love to have help answering all the ever mounting questions.

If it sucks a little more each time why come back? Again not to be rude or anything, but why put yourself through this?

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I'd trade you and Doug for one noob. Doug as an open innvite to return but is too good to take it. Yeah I know. Its a little flippant now, but after telling him many times I sorta don't care. If you want to go jerk him off and swallow to get him back go for it. But for good measure one more time:

Doug, you are more than welcome back. We would love to have help answering all the ever mounting questions.

If it sucks a little more each time why come back? Again not to be rude or anything, but why put yourself through this?


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You people are taking the internet way to seriously, If I took this place seriously I would've gone postal already :P

I come here mostly for the personal entertainment, and second for the wealth of knowledge on here.

If your feelings get hurt here on the internet, I can't begin to imagine how much crying you would do in the real world.

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seriously guys doug's not coming back so drop it.

as for the post limit to noobs, what if they were just prevented from starting threads in off-topic, and for sale for the first day or so? isn't that where most of the spamming is posted?

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Two things

1. I'm really proud of you that you got my name right. First time since I've been on the board

2. I'm speaking for myself here. I'm not mad, nor do I have a problem with VS. My suggestions were just that, suggestions. Bottom line, it's Chuck's sand box. If we want to play, it's his rules. He annointed Kevin, and Greg to run the show, we have to play by their rules. Life is too short, especially since I was just diagnosed with heart disease about 2 hours ago. Everyboy say it with me, "It's just the internet".

We're not runing the show, we're just helping out, Chuck runs the show I think.. :unsure: Maybe Jena does. :huh:

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