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Right To Bear Flag

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Came across this, any views?


LONGMONT, Colo. -- More than two dozen students walked out of Skyline High School Friday morning to protest what they say is a ban that doesn't allow the American flag to be flown on school grounds.

The principal said that the ban isn't just on American flags -- it's on all flags.

Several students who walked out of class Friday said that they were upset that Mexican flags can be waved around but that American flags couldn't. They said that school officials confiscated their American flags because they have become inflammatory because of recent immigration issues.

"When the immigration laws came out we noticed that a lot of Hispanics were waving Mexican flags and what we were thinking to ourselves is like, isn't the immigration law to stay in the country? You want to stay in America, correct? So I said, for every Mexican flag, you should have an American flag right next to it. So a few people went out and started waving American flags, and that's where everything bridged out," said Skyline student R.J. Fogal. "That's when they started telling us that we can't wave American flags, there's going to be no flags today, or everyone is going to be suspended -- whoever carries a flag."

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"What we want to know is since when was it against the rules to have an American flag on a car, in a car, in your hands in a school?" said student William Cassity.

Skyline Principal Tom Stumpf said that the school enacted a ban this week that prohibits students to display, wear or fly any flag -- American or Mexican.

"The (policy) evolved because the flags were being used, not as a symbol of cultural heritage, but the flags were being used as symbols of bigotry, a symbol of hostility. They were being used to inflame different groups and we're simply not going to tolerate that at Skyline High School," Stumpf said.

"My paramount obligation, my solemn obligation at Skyline High School, is to provide a safe and secure environment and with the flags being used as a catalyst to stir up the students, to stir up the environment, I cannot condone that ... One flag was thrown into the face of another group and another flag was being brandished in front of another group and it was done to raise emotions, and we don't want that. We want respect -- that's our main goal at Skyline High School," he said.

The school has a diverse population and some students say there have been tensions between different ethnic groups because of the national immigration debate.

"I think our whole society is on different sides of the immigration issue and I can't control that. All I'm asking from our students is respect -- respect for one another, treating each other as they themselves want to be treated, treating each other decently, civilly," Stumpf said.

He said the students have a right to rally and those who walked out of class on Friday would not be punished.

Copyright 2006 by TheDenverChannel.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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We've had some similar situations here at my school involving the talent show, not really with flags though. Some kids I know were gonna sing a version of the Adam Sandlers hannukah song, but they adapted it with names of kids from our school, everyone loved it and it was pretty funny, no one had any objections and all the kids ok'd it beforehand, but the administration said since it mentioned "jews" in a poking fun kind of way, and left out making fun of other religions or something, that they couldnt sing it.

dunno if thats relevant but some pretty ridiculous things are going on in high schools lately.

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It pisses me off to no end, that the Mexicans come here - not to be Americans, but to be Mexicans, and then demand American privileges.

With that said, our sorry political leaders and activist judges - BOTH "D" and "R" should be fired!

G. Gordon Liddy for president!

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ha, right to bear flags. :monkey:

It pisses me off to no end, that the Mexicans come here - not to be Americans, but to be Mexicans, and then demand American privileges.

With that said, our sorry political leaders and activist judges - BOTH "D" and "R" should be fired!

G. Gordon Liddy for president!

hahaha g. gordon liddy.

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Ironically enough, apparantly the chicano walkout protestors were encouraged to wave AMERICAN flags during the recent nationwide protests. There was an incident here in Arizona where some students raised the Mexican flag up on their HS's flag pole. The JROTC unit saw it, took it down and replaced it with the American flag. Protestors put the Mexican one back up, JROTC took it back down... and burned it right there on the spot. The protestors beat the hell out of two of the JROTC kids, and guess who gets in trouble? You got it, the JROTC kids... Burning the flag was a step too far, but nobody should be flying anything higher than ol red, white and blue.

I know they want more civil rights, I know they want less harsh laws on migrant workers. But they have to realize it is NOT helping their situation when they're pulling crap like this. Most people are very proud of their home country, but they're just as proud to be Americans, too. Often more so than native-born citizens. Case in point: a friend of mine, mexican, who came here legally, was naturalized and beame a citizen.

I really think even the most hardcore anti-migrant conservatives might find it easier to accept them, if they were a bit more patriotic... to the United States.

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how about on monday when the next big protest is here in AZ take everyone walking around with a mexican flag throw em on a bus and drive every one of them down to the most southern point of mexico ... you love the country so much then go the f' back there. even my wife (of mexican blood) agrees.... tho she thinks we should do what others have said before and ship them all the way to someplace in south america vs just back to mexico

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There was a flag ban thing in a little redneck town about 45 minutes southeast of here the past couple weeks also. All the good 'ol boys went and bought themselves some American flags and dun flew them things on their lifted 4x4's. Several of them got expelled from school, so that pissed off the rest of the student body, so apparently they ended up w/ a couple hundred students walking around w/ American flags, so they just said screw it and gave up.

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i mean its the american flag .. its the country we ALL live in here(well most of us) i don't see what's so wrong about waving that flag ... retarded schools

They're so bent on being PC, it's a big thing with public schools here. They're so scared of getting sued, kids practically wear neutral-tone bodysuits to avoid offending anyone.

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What worries me the most is that our leaders are chronically weak, spineless, and afraid to anything to definitive. It's a bit unbelievable and very sad. This is the worst case yet.

That political correctness wins out over the very country itself that bred such stupid concept.


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What worries me the most is that our leaders are chronically weak, spineless, and afraid to anything to definitive. It's a bit unbelievable and very sad. This is the worst case yet.

That political correctness wins out over the very country itself that bred such stupid concept.


Disclaimer: In no way are the views and ideas written below shared by the Marine Corps. These are my personal thoughts and are not to be misconstrued to be representative of the Marine Corps'.

hmmm this topic has irritated the hell out of me for a long time. Let me start out buy saying that I am by no means against Mexicans, hell my best friend is a native Mexican that came here legally. So basically I agree with the majority of posts in this thread. The part that really gets to me are illegal immigrants seem to get more privileges than my wife who we got over here legally, and let me tell you it is not an easy short or cheap process. So it seems to me that we are being penalized for doing things the legal way. I know alot of people that have joined the military and held jobs that don't require a clearence in order to get American citizenship. The school districts around here decided not to even play with all of this and just extended spring break by starting it early. So the basic things that are being protested here are making illegal immigrants phelons and the building of the wall, these I think are good ideas. The part I don't like is making 13 million illegal immigrants legal, that just boggles my mind. That is pretty much saying it's ok to come illegally, hell why not go down and pick everyone else up and bring them here.

The whole flag thing really infuriates me, I grew up overseas on military bases not knowing my own country. I was a part of the flag detail throughout elementary and middle school. I basically became extremely patriotic, hence one of the reasons I am in the Marine Corps. Oh and the small insignificant detail that I have plenty of friends that have either been killed or injured protecting the rights and freedoms of AMERICAN citizens and legal immigrants, not somebody that somehow managed to cross the border.

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