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Small White One Way Valves On Vacuum Lines

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I recently replaced almost all of my vacuum lines with the stylin silicone hoses (all except the lower turbo hose). In doing so, there were 2 lines that ran up to or past the vacuum tree with little white connectors in the line that had arrows on them. They are one-way valves, allowing air to flow one way but not the other. I wasn't really paying attention when I took them off and now I think they may be on in reverse. Does anyone know which way the arrows are suppose to be facing?

1. Towards the front of the car (towards vacuum tree)


2. Towards the rear of the car (away from the vacuum tree)

Any help here would be appreciated.

I've done a search all over this board and find absolutely nothing about this.

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Well, after I posted, I found the following picture in another post. I may have gotten lucky as I reinstalled this part with the arrow in the same direction (pointing away from the front of the car) as this poster. Just want to make sure it's right.


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