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My Brother Got In A Big Accident!


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So, earlier today I posted in the showroom some funnies about getting my hitch out at my parents house. Well in that thread i said they had 8 cars at that house, but not any more cause my brother wrote one off tonight.

I'll preface this by saying my brother and I don't really get along, we don't fight, we just stay out of each others way.

Anyhow, 8:30 and i get a call from my dad, "You're brother just called me, he's in an accident by your place, can you go". I'm out the door, in my housemates car (Protoge5). When i got to the intersection it was pretty scary. I had to crest a hill so the scene unfolded from the top down, and it started with flashing lights on the tops of trees, flashing centre light on the traffic light for the intersection, fire truck. Then i have full panorama and from my left to right i see Ambulence, Grand Marquis facing me banged up, cop cars and the fire truck, then my brothers car driver side blocking two lanes of traffic and glass EVERYWHERE!

So i cut some cars off and parked the housemates car and ran to the intersection to see what was up. I crossed over at the side of the street with the Grand Marquis since that was where the ambulence was and most of the people. No brother, then i see him all alone on the pedestrian island on the other side of the street. I get over there and he's shaking he's so shocked, and it's getting cold.

I haven't tried to get the whole story cause I understand he'd be pretty traumatized, but it sounds like he rushed a left turn, got hit and spun, then the old nice guy kept driving and t-boned my brother AGAIN. After the air bags blew and he was trying to figure out what was going on he gets slamed AGAIN even harder, he freaks out and when the car stops spinning jumps out and runs away casue he thought he'd get hit again. Well, it tunrs out upon the inital impact the GM's drivers side wheel broke backwards and anchored the car sending it scraping by a prius (damaged mildly - new bumper cover) and around (full 180�) and hit the control box for the traffic lights.

It really pissed me off to see the difference in treatment between my brother and the old man. The dude said the front end impact kept the gas on - WHAT THE HELL. Weather or not my brother is truly at fault for rushing into a turn (which is unlike him, more like me) this geezer would have killed my brothers passenger, and could have done a lot more damage if he'd been able to stop the car!?

Anyhow, here's the paint drawing of the scene, i'll get pics of my brothers car (oh - 98 Ford Escort) tomorrow i think.


I'm not enlarging that.. red car is facing yellow car. Red is bros, Peach is the geez, silver is the Prius with the scraped bumper. My brother should have been following the dotted line (as far as i can get out of the story).

If there is a Volvo silver lining in this, it's that my parents might just dump any insurance money into fixing my 854 that I hit the deer in and my dad wants to repair, he'd hate it, but i'd rather him drive it than my mom!!

Anyhow, he's ok, might have his shoulder looked at. The car is toast, his sweet deck popped right out of the dash, hockey sticks are busted (along the passenger side of the car that was so badly damaged the pass. seat has been shot off and is partially behind the drivers side seat with the B pillar holding it in place), golf clubs in tact and some finals to study for!

Can't imagine how scared he must have been.

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Wow...hope everything turns out ok. I hate when people come up with bullshit excuses like that. EX- 2 years ago my sisters bf comes out to a car on top of his in the college parking lot. Girl claims brakes gave out...bull shit.

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I hate it soo much that younger drivers always are at fault just because of their age, and the older drivers always get off the hook. I've seen it happen so many times and it makes me soo pissed every time. So I take it this happened somewhere in waterloo?

where in waterloo are you by the way? i'm going to UW and living in rez right now

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Sorry to hear that man, im glad your brother is ok...Old people shouldnt have licenses sometimes...I bet that taurus is wrecked to shit, those things crumble in accidents...That would be really sweet if you fixed ur old 854 and it came back to life...GL with everything and i hope it all works out.

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I hate it soo much that younger drivers always are at fault just because of their age, and the older drivers always get off the hook. I've seen it happen so many times and it makes me soo pissed every time. So I take it this happened somewhere in waterloo?

where in waterloo are you by the way? i'm going to UW and living in rez right now

I got in an accident and the highway patrolman was pretty nice, although it wasn't my fault. Ususally if you're candid about your mistakes, and no one is hurt, they're not too bad. If you really fouled up, they tend to be pretty pissed off. Glad everyone is okay.

Oh, yeah. As for geez saying gas got stuck on, how about his old jerk leaving the foot on the accelerator? That's like the french guy who claimed his car was stuck on cruise control! Even if that stuff were to happen, you can put it in nuetral and still have power-assisted brakes and steering.

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From the sounds of it, I think it was a totally avoidable accident if the old dude had been a bit more alert and swerved to avoid, and he definitly didn't loose any speed between the first impact and the huge side impact and then carried that speed for a full U-Turn until he hit a light - no charge (how about failing to remain in control of your vehicle).

They were good with my brother, but he obviously got treated differently (poorly) cause he was young.

Anyhow, yeah the accident was in Waterloo, at Erb and Westmount - maybe 8 blocks from my house

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Well, apres (that's french for after) the gym, i tracked down the wreck and shot these pics!?

Looks like my WB is way off - but it's in auto mode!? WTeff!?

Impact #1



... then spin and impact #2



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ouch.... pretty nasty hit on the ps.

yeah man, he had his hockey sticks along that side, they're snapped for sure!!

really good thing he didn't have a passenger!

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