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Gave Change To A Guy On The Street


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I was at the McDonalds drive thru in 'BedStuy' Brooklyn, and there was a guy walking around asking for change. For once, I catually had some...so when the guy came over, I gace him some quarters and dimes, and a few nickles...it was what I had in change.

"Can I get a Dallah to git a Burgah?" he says

"I dont have a dollar bill, but if you want I'll buy you a burger, and you can just wait for me at the end of the drive through" I said seriously...if the guys hungry, I have no problem getting him food.

"Nah, man...Its coo.." he said

So I was like..WTF! Im gessing he didn't want food...probably saving up for crack/meth/etc? Messed up man.

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I was at the McDonalds drive thru in 'BedStuy' Brooklyn, and there was a guy walking around asking for change. For once, I catually had some...so when the guy came over, I gace him some quarters and dimes, and a few nickles...it was what I had in change.

"Can I get a Dallah to git a Burgah?" he says

"I dont have a dollar bill, but if you want I'll buy you a burger, and you can just wait for me at the end of the drive through" I said seriously...if the guys hungry, I have no problem getting him food.

"Nah, man...Its coo.." he said

So I was like..WTF! Im gessing he didn't want food...probably saving up for crack/meth/etc? Messed up man.

Maybe hes just vegan. Why always assuming the worst? Did he look canadian?

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I never give money to homeless people. I'll give them money if they want to come over to my house and mow my lawn, but I'm not just giving a stranger money.

Yea man... living in/around NYC I would be broke in like an hour if I gave money to every bum that was holding a cup. Now if I WILL give them food, if it was given to me for free that is.

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