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Cottage Open Weekend


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Well after 4 months of doing nothing except snowboarding and being a lazy unemployed bastard i signed a new contract on thusday and left for my housemates cottage that afternoon to open it in advance of a big party he's having in a week.

It turned out to be a super brokeback weekend, but it was good times. Below are some 'family friendly' pics of the weekend.

On the ride up, my housemate took a conference call on his cell phone (haha.. long distance to WA) while I drove circles around this...


We couldn't believe there was still snow up at the cottage, but stopped here to steal the "Bump A Head" sign. Makes for a good laugh when people bump into it hanging from the rafters


The first sunset of the season - here's his lake, still with an ice sheet over about 80% of it!


We dumped a case of coronas into the lake (considering it was about 0*C), but this one i used the lake as my coaster!




DRINKS!! - also another case down on the dock and other vices... for 3 guys!


It was a full moon and the lake was steaming - one of the most amazing meterological events i've ever seen (over the 5 hours or so we were down on the dock). This shot is a 30 second exposure, held in my hand and i got bumped large, but it still looks cool!


The ride



Lake this morning before leaving, the wind was pushing the ice and you could hear it cracking from up at the cottage.


Man, i love that place!

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No man, stealing road signs never gets old! And the peppers on the grill there were the only healthy thing we had all weekend, or at least while we were there.

That lake is the one i took these shots at... but these were in Sept 05 (along with the jumpin 850 pics)



effing love that place!

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