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How To Make A Custom Grill Emblem Fit


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I managed to get my hands on a custom grill emblem with a yellow background. It looks really cool but it's too large to fit onto my S70. It can probably be made to fit with a dremel, but I'm afraid of screwing up the emblem. Is there anywhere I can take it to have it done for me?

I'd include a pic, but I don't know how.....

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bust out the dremel man! I made a custom red one from an old 240 emblum which is alot bigger than the 850's and it took about 1/2 hr to get it right...just go slow and keep checking the fitment.

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Thanks for the feedback, but having paid about $60 for the emblem, I'm really, really, reluctant to have a go at it myself when I'm not comfortable doing it.

This is 1999+ emblem, so it's thicker and the corners are more rounded. Not sure which car it belongs to, but it definitely isn't the S70.

I'm thinking I'll take it to a local hobby store and see if I can find someone who's an expert with a dremel.

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