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97 855r Vs Subaru Svx


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The other day I'm pulling out of the store, and I get on it just because I like the way the I5 sounds at WOT. Right in front of me a SVX pulls out, and he gets on it too, presumably because he sees that I'm no longer poking along like you'd expect a Volvo Station Wagon to do. We both turn at the light in the same direction, and the road goes to 2 lanes...ripe for some funnin'.

First light, he's stopped, and it turns green before I quite get there, so we're both rolling at about 25ish and side by side. Not even signalling to each other, we both go WOT at the same time, and I pull on him by about a car's length up to the speed limit (45mph). Next light we hit at the same time, and when it turns green we both go for it. I only heard him behind me - he fart canned it, might have had an intake as well - but I was 3-4 lengths ahead a lil past the speed limit *cough*.

He stayed behind me as the road went from 2 to 1 lane, and was probably scratching his head wondering just HOW this wagon kicked his jerk both from a roll and a dead stop. When the road went back to 2 lanes (yeah, the roads around here are monkeyed in the head), I got stuck behind a slower car and he zoomed past me, only to turn into a residential neighborhood. I honked and waved through the sunroof, laughing.

Then I realized that I had about 50-100lbs of stuff in the back.

And yeah, the 855 is dead stock. (specs on the SVX available here: http://www.subarusvx.com/specs.html )


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I fear not that of a stock SVX.

I don't doubt for a second that you beat it.

SVX is what... an 1989?

According to the linky I posted, they ran about the same time as the 850's did. And specs are very similar, though the old awd system may have been a limiting factor.


All I know is that I had him in a station wagon, and he was none too happy about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I fear not that of a stock SVX.

I don't doubt for a second that you beat it.

SVX is what... an 1989?

The SVX was manufactured from 1992 to 1997.

I had a 1992 white pearl a few years ago, its was a piece of crap compared to any of the new Subarus.

Dont want to ruin VOLVOGEEK party, but I am sure that even a normally apirated 850 series could beat the hell out of my SVX at that time.

I really dont give credit to the published specs, its bullshizz

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