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Gas/oil Prices Suck....

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with limp mode i am getting almost 24mpg.. thats awesome!

without limp mode only 18. the latest problem in VA, that gas stations running out of fuel. it took me around 20 minutes to find a 93 octane in Norfolk. 2 stations were closed, cause they had no gas, and another one had only 87. scary stuff!

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the latest problem in VA, that gas stations running out of fuel. it took me around 20 minutes to find a 93 octane in Norfolk. 2 stations were closed, cause they had no gas, and another one had only 87. scary stuff!

Yeah same here Ilya, there was no way I was putting 87 in my car, so I had to look all over Chesapeake for 93. I guess the shortages are because of the switch to ethanol blended fuel :angry:

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gas is cheap. go to london and tell me how expensive our gas is then.

That would be like comparing the price of real estate between the UK and here.It's a different economy. When I see the prices of gas double in less than 2 months,that makes it expensive in my book,and it's coming out of the hard working middle-class American's asss.The bigger issue is what the trickle down affect is doing to the price of goods and services overall.Our dollar is worth less and less every day! And not to be a bleeding heart...but people on a fixed income like retirees,or your lower middle class ($50,000 a year and under)are really feeling the pinch.Monkeyin' politicians driving governent cars filled with government issued gas certainly aren't feeling it.

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Do you think the gov is trying to squash our addiction to oil by raising the prices, kinda like it tries to do with penis?

Nah. If they wanted to do that, they'd raise the tax on it. They haven't raised the gas tax in like 12 years though when nearly half of what you paid for a gallon of gas, was tax.

I'm really curious how much the top 10 oil companies "donated" to politcal campaigns in the last 5 years. Ahh, here we are. $420 million USD over 6 years... pretty hefty amount, but less than I thought it would be. Price Ceilings? Not if anyone plans on getting re-elected....

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Very valid points.Freakin Capitol Hill lobbyists and special interest groups are nothing more than government sanctioned bribers and blackmailers.Democracy at its worst!!.And trust me when I tell you that $420million is just the tip of the iceberg that shows on the propaganda paperwork the government declares so they don't look totally ridiculous.

Let me say one thing to footnote this before I get flamed.I love the United States more than most,but politics in today's age are so corrupt that it makes my head spin.Unfortunately it's the price we pay for freedom and democracy.

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This is killing the average Joe not only in gas prices,but his dollar doesn't go as far in the over-stimulated economy because everything from groceries to air fares are being affected by higher pricing directly related to higher fuel costs.Vicious circle!!!Where does it end?

utter chaos

Gov.Corzine is getting ready to implement a $.30 a gallon fuel tax as well.

The prices are taking their toll on the working man.

I didn't hear that, if he does he is a monkeyin idiot. Yes the prices are taking its toll on the working class. Things in the next few years are going to be interesting.

Let me say one thing to footnote this before I get flamed.I love the United States more than most,but politics in today's age are so corrupt that it makes my head spin.

I love the land I live in, I just hate the people who run it.

for your consideration

NJ Gas Price Monitor

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I love hearing excuses like It's Iran... No! It's the war... No! It's new emissions standards...

No jackass. :angry: It's you and me driving every single day. It's you and me using things like umm... uhh... oh yeah! Electricity. Go ahead! Try to ween yourself off of petroleum. I'd like to see you try.

Sorry, this isn't directed to anyone here. I just was nice to vent.

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That would be like comparing the price of real estate between the UK and here.It's a different economy. When I see the prices of gas double in less than 2 months,that makes it expensive in my book,and it's coming out of the hard working middle-class American's asss.The bigger issue is what the trickle down affect is doing to the price of goods and services overall.Our dollar is worth less and less every day! And not to be a bleeding heart...but people on a fixed income like retirees,or your lower middle class ($50,000 a year and under)are really feeling the pinch.Monkeyin' politicians driving governent cars filled with government issued gas certainly aren't feeling it.

have you been to the UK lately? Do you know the value of the pound? Do you know how crazy real estate prices are there?

Did you also know that in Los Angeles real estate is comparable to that of the UK. So, in my eyes, gas is not expensive. We have the most expensive gas in teh country, and it's still not even close to anything in Europe and Asia.

Just my .02. when we have the same prices in the U.S as they do over there, then I'd call it even. If we pass them, then I may tell you it's expensive. Until then, sit back and watch my car pour fuel out onto the road as I drive, and Im pretty much okay with it, even though I CANT afford it.

I tell you what you can do to make up for the extra $5 a week you pay now for gas...stop smoking ONE pack of cigs a week, cut back on Starbucks, stop paying for your HBO subscription, switch from cable to DSL, eat at home 5 times a week instead of going out.

I can't believe we complain about $5 more a week, when we can save it in so many other stupid things we do.

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Pras I agree with ya, but u forgot to mention that distance between cities are much larger in states. Cause for europeans to drive 600 miles or so is an expensive event, cause a litter of a fuel over there is like liter=euro. Americans drive a lot, americans driver further. Like I know i think many families are traveling from north to florida by car.

in most cases, it won't happen in europe because of expensive tolls and really expensive fuel

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I dunno but i just spent 43.77 for 93 at 3.04. houston has some of the lowest prices cuz we're right at the port and most oil companies are right here. I know our fuel is no where near as expensive in other countries but for what it is, my pockets are starting to hurt. i have to fill up anywhere from 2-3 times a week like this because of work. i used to budget around $400 a month on gas. Its already starting to get out of hand for me. And beiner is right, it is us and our over consumption of fuel. are H2's, Navigators and Escaldes necessary? carpool people carpool.

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I dunno but i just spent 43.77 for 93 at 3.04. houston has some of the lowest prices cuz we're right at the port and most oil companies are right here. I know our fuel is no where near as expensive in other countries but for what it is, my pockets are starting to hurt. i have to fill up anywhere from 2-3 times a week like this because of work. i used to budget around $400 a month on gas. Its already starting to get out of hand for me. And beiner is right, it is us and our over consumption of fuel. are H2's, Navigators and Escaldes necessary? carpool people carpool.

Escalades are VERY necessary.

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