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The Buffoon Ate My Brownie


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Yesterday my buddy Gwen gave me a few brownies. All day I behaved by walking by them and taking small bites instead of eating all of them in one sitting. So tonight my mom and dad had their buddies Jay and Terri (Gwen's mom and step-dad) over for dinner.

After dinner Gwen came over to hang out when we suddenly had a craving for something sweet. I opened the brownies and gave Doug a sliver of one as a joke. After he gave me the puppy eyes, I took the sliver, gave him a full one, and shared some with Jay, and then put them away. A few minutes later my dad came in wondering what we were eating, I jokingly said "too bad there aren't any left". I looked over at Doug with crumbs all over his face with a guilty look. HE ATE THE LAST ONE!!! What a bastard!!!

I swear he's such a buffoon!!!

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