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Left Door Speaker


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i just got an aftermarked hu installed and i love it. everything worked perfectly for about 3 weeks to a month. then my left door speaker started freaking out, sometimes spitting out static, sometimes not working at all, and sometimes working perfectly. i'm planning on re-doing all 4 door speakers in due time, but that's probably not till end of summer at the earliest. oh ya, when i start the car the service light goes on and the chanel doesn't work until i put the faceplate on and then half the time it works and half not. the times that it does work the service light goes off.

...help... :unsure:

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Most likely: bad wire or connection to the speaker. Wire may be worn thru, when flexed a certain way makes partial or solid contact. Same possibility for the connector to the speaker. Gawd help you if your wires are just wrapped around the speaker terminal without a connector or solder.

Less likely but possible: hi temp failure in amp/HU. If it works when cold and goes bad with time, look here.

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i think yeah, most likely:

wiring bad

speaker itself bad and is cuasing say the voice coil to touc the motor or smoething like that

i agree that headunit failure is less likely...if you are not sure, dig back there, and swtich up the left and right wiring and see if the problem jumps to another side, if it does, then its the headunit, if it does not, then its the wiring or speaker :)


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make sure the check your HU to wiring harness connections. I wired up my alpine and it worked for about a week then all 4 speakers in back went out. I was sure i hooked up the wiring harness right and assumed it was the speakers. When i finally pulled out my HUabout a month later, a wire for rear left was pulled out and one for rear right. I just re-stripped em and re-crimped and now all 8 speakers work perfectly! :lol:

not sure if thats helpful but now i always check the wiring harness first if someone asks me to look at there system. if its not the harness then its probably a smashed wire like bing said


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