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Ricers And Saumari Sword


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would displaying the intrisically japanese weapon or honorable war as a guesture of victory over a ricer [b/] be to sutle, not worth it, waste of a good sword etc... or should i work on the visibility a bit more. i cam irrecocably mountle the thing but when racing other makes of car would just just end up consusfinthem more often than not.



edit: btw i have a high respect for the Asis culture, and wouldn't want to cause a cultural incident where there was none before since i highly respect the culture and.

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well i see the thread has been moved any way. ok pease don't bust on my typing and stufff. i didn't drink i have other problems. i don't appreciate people making assumptions over being drunk. i have other problems that are serious. i'm just trying to get information. i get lot of opinion, and anecdotal subjectivity. i'm just trying to understand people motivations and thought proccesses.

it's just a fake sword, i have them in my office without a problem. i can extrapolate reasons not to do it as well as others. why can redneck display shotguns?

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intrisically? making up words? And don't do it...it's both dumb and illegal
mike i've appeciateed prevoious posts of yours, but i can'y find anything to respect in this post. if you would please clear it up, in there is no substantial difference between posts save your energy.

respectfully yours


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You sound drunker than me with the way you mumbled your words like "

Asis" but I remember seeing the sword in the back of your car in a picture you posted and now I know I was not seeing things

I would say someone would steal it

darn i thought i fixed that typeo (honestly just the physical aspects are posture, a DVD, poor light, on one of of 12 keyboard, aa laptop; if stealing is an issue; well and good that is a reasonable response. thanks Helmutt,

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only if it's a toy sword, like a power rangers one

sell this is very good copy but dull as a nickle. i wasn't clear on the legality. but rednecks seem maintain a gun racks in their rear view windows. i'm really having truoble typeng tonight. good night.

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wait, so you want to put a katana gun rack style in your car.


maybe in the trunk as a personal security weapon.... but not visible.

here, if you're 18, you can carry a katana on your belt or back as long as it's not concealed.... so i don't think it would be illegal...

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wait, so you want to put a katana gun rack style in your car.


maybe in the trunk as a personal security weapon.... but not visible.

here, if you're 18, you can carry a katana on your belt or back as long as it's not concealed.... so i don't think it would be illegal...

that's a sensaible response its fake unconceled, i can even label in as fake to simply police pull calm. in the end i would certinaly would visit the local police station(s) ask and their opinion. the conversation would as to why, then wouldn't why bothe, would be oreducugie3. people have real ideas and i wold lke (as unijoe renarks) hear it. i'vr deen crazier stuff.

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