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Ricers And Saumari Sword


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Night. Tomorrow keep the lights on and get some rest. Hope you have a good weekend,

thanks :) you have a good week end too. some topics just don't go anywhere, no sense getting in you panties tied up. we're here just to try to share info, ideas, and experiece :) i'm glad nobody got bent out of shape on this (or other threads ).

thanks for your help tonight, you did the right things :) and you deserve respect you for it. take care!


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i hardly do either...

sky, how drunk ARE you.... you're not making any sense. come back tommorrow sober.

pikey i don't drink; oh no not in the least, or type well late at night because of my laptop posture. i'm tired and i don't pat attention. it' too complicated to explain. its late here, and dark. let's close it up and move along ok? in the end i shouldn't post past 9 pm (but that's when my free time starts), it's now 1:39am, i missed my DVD moive too; so i lost to much, for what was intened to be a simple topic. took all my night

night all!


case closed :)

edited: out more babble

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i feel like your avatar. poor patrick.

god i hate to add to this thred again but: i am not drunk, i dont drink not a drop for 25 years. i have other problems sure dont we all; will not discuss on the boards. i am on three nights with no sleep over work tension. please don't assume; and it was a bad question in the first place anyway.

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