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I'm Unhappy

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It's the WAAAHHHHMBULANCE! :ph34r:

Sorry,couldn't resist!!I don't know crap about Skywriter or Chuck's fued,but with a set up like Greg's I just couldn't help myself.

Edit:Darn Rat....you beat me to it!!!!

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Woo-woo, andy takes the cake!

If you take one thing on the board to heart, take jason's quote: It's the interent, you can't take it too seriously. People shoot their mouths off all the time, sh!t happens. Hell, I learned that lesson not more than a month ago! Pretty petty filing PayPal complaints...

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Is this like the new cool thing to do? Say VS sucks Im going to SS? Don't make a big deal out of it and just leave...makes it much better on everyone. I could personally not give a shit what your car looks like...and you shouldn't take everything so offensively. Unless someone is going to straight up you in a racial way or something along those lines...who gives a shit

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Is this like the new cool thing to do? Say VS sucks Im going to SS? Don't make a big deal out of it and just leave...makes it much better on everyone. I could personally not give a stuff what your car looks like...and you shouldn't take everything so offensively. Unless someone is going to straight up you in a racial way or something along those lines...who gives a stuff

I think it's funny that he took more crap for this thread versus putting his S80 in the Show Room and getting a few hecklers. Let the :monkey: -poop throwing begin!

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SkyWriter, I've read through your threads, and I really don't see a reason to get all pissed?!?!

seems like you've received plenty of constructive criticism, and I don't see one single instance where someone blatantly told you that you suck or your car sucks.

just stick around man, nobody here is malicious... well maybe a couple of jackasses but nothing a little "ignoring" or "rising above" can't remedy.

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Thats a very good point, you just need to have thick skin on this board, and mine is about to have to get alot thicker... not cause of this thread, but because of my new rims. You shall all see hopefully soon. But I still think that people in general need to think prior to posting. The amount of poo-flinging at sometimes does get a little bit rediculous and non-sensical. Then again... thats what the internet was made for right!?!?!?!

All in all I say enjoy the board, have some fun, don't get to worked up about it. Now I realise Chuck can, should and will get worked up about it... but then again its his baby. And I get all worked up about my car(my baby) so I understand. Off to dinner then the gym, so 'hopefully' I can manage to keep off VS till work tomorrow. Goodnight guys.

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