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I Saw Kevin's Doppleganger Tonight


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At Station 4, a gay club in Dallas. Went there with my girl and my boy at around 11, stayed until 3. I saw him when we were walking in, looked just like him, but he was wearing a blazer. Wish I could have gotten a pic.

Also saw a white 850R earlier at Starbucks that had 3 960 wheels (I forget the name) and 1 perfo. Quite strange.

Somehow we brought a girl home from the gay club, I think Leslie is still in there with her, and Mike's making fun of me for posting about all this right now. :rolleyes:

Here's to an error free drunk post.

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Sorry holmes, you truly are GAZY if you got a broad home and your ass is posting on VS :(

Tell her todrive to SD, I will makeit worth it :lol:

Nebor is a switch hitter, and I assume the girl and other guy is also?

Kevin wasn't around yesterday... :ph34r:

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