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Pulled Over

Hum Jim

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Darn I got stopped last night on the way home by a out of town CHP officer that was in town to help the local office with the Redwood Run this weekend. It was 1:00 am and I was comming home from hanging with some buds at the Run. He gave me a fixit ticket for.... Clear turn sig's, Tinted front windows and an amp. exaust.(F*#k) Now I need to get tis stuff sighned of by a local I hope mybe swap out the turn sig's I'm sure the Muff is Cal legal. SI%&

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Hmm odd, what color were the bulbs in the clear signals?? Yyou mean clear corners right? That is bogus. An amp! WHat an over achiever cop. Sorry bro, hopefully you know someone in the PD who won't care to much.

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:lol: He means an amplified exhaust. It's not illegal to have an amplifier in your car, lots of cars come with them. ;)

That sucks man, what a jerkoff. I didn't know clear corners were illegal ANYwhere. As a matter of fact, in some states you don't even legally need working front turn signals, only rear.

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yes an amplified exhaust???

There is no 12 volt feed to my exhaust.

I'm sure it is CA. legal... and the bulb in the turn sig. is amber.

I told him this and he just went on about "not stock exaust" and the blinker looks clear to him.....

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I've been pulled over before for having clear rear blinkers (very common problem with Volvos as many know I'm sure. Anyways he brought out the book & was reading through & he read it to me & said that you can have clear or amber blinkers in the front no problem. In the rear it has to be amber or red.

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CHP pulled me over for my neons last year. And I didn't take them off. So, when I went to get the fixit signed off, there was some greenie cop, and he didn't even look for the neons b/c the cop that pulled me over just put "4 neon lights" on the ticket. I told the greenie that they were LED's on my front license plate, and he signed it off, although he did notice my blue turn sig. bulbs up front. He said to get those removed b/c he was sure that I did not want to deal with such an ordeal again, so he just signed off. If you're in the boonies of California, then the jerk CHP will get you for whatever they want. However, if you want things signed off, just go to around USC or places where there are drive-by's, and they'll sign anything off. They have murderers and rapists to worry about, not vehicle lighting on a friggin brick!!

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