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It's Been A While


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Well spring is here, and I got mail the other day.

I did the same thing with this new iPd grille as i did with the one i had on my 854 before the deer ate it - which was the "T-5" in the lower right hand corner - probably can't see it in the pics, but it's there and it looks great.

To get the "T-5" I had to de-badge my car, so that's been done.

Anyhow, here are some pics, seems to me as though I've lost some of my photo skills over the winter, I'll have to work on getting them back!






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what is that thing to the right of your car in the background....

UFO sighting! :P

Nice car. They probably want it for futher study.

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yeah i just gave them to photobucket and they craped out on me.

No HID's yet, and definitly very nice lights.. i hope i can live up!


oh yeah, that weird thing is 'barrel park'. That building used to be the primary storage for Crown Royal when it was made in Waterloo (still says Waterloo, ON on the label), so it just stored barels.. so the thing is some kind of corporate art tribute.

ps. my buddies a couple years ago like UFC wrestled around that thing and one ended up with a fractured face and a broken arm after diving off it.... GOOD TIMES (in retrospect)

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it's washed, still hasn't had a spring wax.. also need to consult with another charasmatic patrick about appropriate trim treatments.

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