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Relationship Question

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Ok so i dont really want to get into detail about my relationship, but i do have a problem which i'd like to hear some opinions about.

The story is that this past April 19th was my 1 year anniversary with my then girlfriend. For a gift i had decided i would do something really special and what i decided on was a marble shaped like plantet earth, with the continents made of 22kt gold - then get it mounted into a custom necless pendilum to show my gf that "i wanted to give her the world". Now what ended up happening was that i thought of this gift a little bit too late and the marble didnt arrive at my house until the 20th (it was shipped from NY) and i couldnt get the custom mounting done until this past saturday (May 6th).

Now because i pretty much knew that it was going to be late i told her that she'd just have to wait, and that it'd be worth it. Now our anniversary went by and my present from her was 4th row tickets to the first hockey playoff game in Detroit (it was awesome, but also a side note she got the tickets for free). Now she was still anxiously awaiting her present and i simply told her to be patient, but that wasn't good enough, so i sort of hinted to her what it was without exactly telling her (i said custom jewlery or something).

So now lets fast forward to this past tuesday (May 2nd) which is the day we broke up. Fast forward again to May 7th which was the day I moved back to my house 3 hours away from my now ex-girlfriends. She wanted to see me before I left, and I reluctantly agreed and after we sort of talked for a bit the topic of her gift came up, and after a lot of thinking before hand I decided to NOT give it to her, saying that "it dosent mean the same anymore" and that giving it to her would be like rewarding her for breaking up with me (yes she broke up with me, not my choice).

Needless to say she was not happy with this decision stating that "she wanted something to remember me by that she could have forever". But I was strong and still stuck to my decision of not giving it to her.

As for what i'm going to do with her present I really dont know. I woudn't feel right giving it to her, I woudlnt feel right giving it to someone else and I also dont really feel like looking at it everyday because it just brings up bad memories. What i've sort of decided on is to just put it away somewhere safe and just forget about it, until maybe a situation comes up where it might be ok to finally release it.

Now if you managed to read all that i'd like to thank you for your patience, and now ask you this question: What would you have done?

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I woulda borrowed, rented whatever, a rock that would made Kobes ring look like a grain of salt, shown it too her, had violent sex with her one last time, then not give it to her and return it. You did almost everything right.

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Needless to say she was not happy with this decision stating that "she wanted something to remember me by that she could have forever".

That's rediculous. She broke up with you. She could have kept YOU forever if she really cared about you.

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SAME THING. don't give it to her. but (if it's not too personal) why did ya'll break up? were you moving anyways (long distance doesn't work) or was the break up why you moved?

Basically what she said was the the feelings werent there anymore, and that there'd be no point keeping the relationship. We had done the long distance thing before so that really wasent the issue, and i understand the whole "cant help your feelings" thing, so really i had no rebuttal.

That's rediculous. She broke up with you. She could have kept YOU forever if she really cared about you.

Thats pretty much what i told her when she said that to me. She also said that because she still cares about me just not the way she did before, she hoped we could still be friends - but theres no way i can do that and thats what i told her.

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just learn from it and go on. whatever you do, dont go back to her. get her out of your life and find another. i always said that every relationship i had, weather good or bad, taught me more and more what i wanted out of a relationship and what i expected out of a women.

as for the jewelry, at first i was thinkin you could keep it for the next girl you get, but that would probebly just bring back bad memories and you would have to one day tell her its origin(dont EVER want that to happen) i say cut your losses and sell it.

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