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This Is Why We Have Wagons


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apologies for the quality, but they were taken with my friend Marc's phone. This was Saturday whe we helped his sister move into her new place. Thw shot was at IKEA in Hickville, NY.



tukin' like a mofo :lol:

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When I saw that loading dock I knew it was an Ikea... Why not the one in Elizabeth?

Or is Hickville on LI? She looks good as usual Rod. And Darn, those are good pictures from a phone.

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oh man i can only imagine rod...

driving down the road

"ahh, this is going to break my car, too much weight, too much load on the engine, oh man my awd is going to break, ohhh noooo"

hahaha, looks good to see it getting some use

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Tuckage owns ALL!! :D

This was Ikea in Hickville, Long Island...the one in NJ is like Mecca to me, but it was out of the way since we were going to Manhattan, then Astoria. What was in the wagon, one may wonder?

1 vaccuum cleaner.

1 semi collapsable eating tabe for 4

1 MALM queen size bed frame

2 MALN end tables

4 chairs to complioment table

2 cereal bowls

1 queen mattress on roof

1 large suitcase with some extra clothing for Marc sister

1 plate/drinking glasses/silverware kit


65 on the Expressway and everything!

...And yes, Travis, you are right. I am getting over the paranoia more and more after the dino attempt. Thanks to you and John for egging me on for the Dino :tup:

Holy ish! Tuckage in an XC? Something must be wrong with your car! Pleaseee tell me that box is sitting on euro rails.

of course...and they work well, too!

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oh man i can only imagine rod...

driving down the road

"ahh, this is going to break my car, too much weight, too much load on the engine, oh man my awd is going to break, ohhh noooo"

hahaha, looks good to see it getting some use


no where near as bad as on Dino Day

Wagons, FTMFW!!!

An Ikea in Hickville... I know there's some irony in there someplace... :lol:

used to be all farm country :ph34r:

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did the Nivomat level it out?

oh, yeah....once we got to Queens it wasn't level, but it was nowhere near sagging...Nivo saved the day!! After a few bounces the Nivo builds up and kicks in :tup:

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