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Gew Gew Gew Glue


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So a couple of my friends thought it would be fricken hilarious if they super glue my side mirrors in place and my windshield wipers in place. Well They did and it was funny. HA HA. I got the wipers working again, and finally fixed the mirrors. But before i could get to the mirrors we had a pretty hard rain after a very hot day and the super glue ran down the side of my driver side door. I have tryed goo gone and glay bars and nothing is working. Whats the best way to get it off without damaging the paint too bad.

Thanks for the help!!


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I have this wooden bat... I dont think anyone I know has ever "met" it... but that is NOT funny to me. And they will meet it soon if something like this happened to me.

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Well I tryed goo Gone and was hopeiing to not have to go to a detail shop but....

My friends payed for the mirrors, But I am having trouble finding proper retrobution. They both have VWs that they love, i was thinking glue the door locks but....

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Well I tryed goo Gone and was hopeiing to not have to go to a detail shop but....

My friends payed for the mirrors, But I am having trouble finding proper retrobution. They both have VWs that they love, i was thinking glue the door locks but....

wrap saran wrap around the car doors, many layers, with maple syrup inbetween the layers.

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Its hard to get multiple people when your operating as a single. Hmm... I don't think paintballs will dent it, just turn it down to under 200fps, and your GTG!

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Good luck.The detail shop sounds like your best option.Hopefully they can use a cut polish and remove the glue,and it didn't dissolve the clear coat/leach into the base coat.

I hope you are really good friends with these guys,because you would have to be not to inflict some serious pay back on their faces and their rides.If they are car guys themselves,how could they do this without knowing the consequenses.Blatant stupidity is barely an excuse for this act,and full monetary compensation from them without a word from you would be the only thing saving their VW's from a serious unpimping!"OH SNAPZ!!TIME TO REPAIR THEIR AUTOS"! :angry:

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I fer sure thought that the goo gone would just wreck the clear coat but it didnt.

I have known 1 of the guys since i was 10 or so, the other is our frined from IA who goes to school with us. I am not a violent person, but I do agree I need to pay them back. They are not car buffs, they just like shinny things that go zoom vroom.

I like that maple zyrup Idea, Ive done the suranrap but never with anyhtig in between layers.

Covert ops night mission here i come!

Thanks for the help guys!


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Ask your friends to move out of the state.....

Good luck man... I am not quite sure what I would do in a given situation.... I think by the time I calm down I would just send them thie bill from the detail shop....

In the past some idiot spilled choclate pudding in my brand new firebid and I had him pay for a new carpet.....as well as new floormats!

I am not cool w/ people like that!

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yeah, stuff like this, when my alarm goes off, or when I know its gone off, people look at me funny when I'm cursing and looking around my car.

You better hope theres no dents from the person who parks next to me. I hate stupid people.

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I wouldn't recommend the whole syrup and serran wrap only because it won't do anything but make a mess. If you really want to get them back you can do serran wrap and dish soap. If it stays on long enough it can eat through your paint. I've seen it happen on a friends S70. Otherwise if I were you I wouldn't do anything to pay them back because if you have to go to a shop they won't be very inclined to pay it after you've messed up their cars.

yeah, stuff like this, when my alarm goes off, or when I know its gone off, people look at me funny when I'm cursing and looking around my car.

You better hope theres no dents from the person who parks next to me. I hate stupid people.

I park uber far away from people or in the handicapped section because I have my temporary handicapped mirror hang but it expires at the end of the month.

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