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My soon to be wife after her graduation from in 2002 bought a brand new mazda pro 5 it now has 60k on it and has been a good little car. It is now having some problems. Today we drove a block down the street and the car just shut off I jump the car and we drove it over to autozone tested the battery and it was dead. Ok 60k that's not to bad so we bought a new battery installed the battery jump the car and it was fine until we turned on the lights and the car just shut off. I check the fuses nothing broke there, any idea's?

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Alternator or voltage regulator.

so you bought a new battery, drove down the street and turned the light on and it died immediately?

if so, that sounds like some sort of grounding problem. A new battery should last for a while before dying even if the alternator or voltage regulator is shot.

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well fella's I had it towed today and it came back the alternator is shot after 60k my chick put a call into the Mazda corp. office and they open a case to extend the warrenty hopefully they will come through for her at any rate when I told her that my moms 940 that has 240k on it and never had to replace the altenator she is think of volvo in a whole new light. Needless to say this could be the last mazda she ever ownes

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well fella's I had it towed today and it came back the alternator is shot after 60k my chick put a call into the Mazda corp. office and they open a case to extend the warrenty hopefully they will come through for her at any rate when I told her that my moms 940 that has 240k on it and never had to replace the altenator she is think of volvo in a whole new light. Needless to say this could be the last mazda she ever ownes

It's a 3 year old car, shit happens.

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It's a 3 year old car, shit happens.

yeah thats what im sayin, after 3 years and 60k, if all you get is a bad alternator, your doing pretty good. i was about to have a rear end put in my wifes explorer till she totalled it.

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