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How Bad Are The S80 T6 Geartronic Transmissions?!


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I'll throw this out there. The driver's leg room sucks on a S80. The center console gets all in the way. My S70 is much better in that dept. Of course I'm 6'4" and notice that kind of thing more than most people.

So comfort is relative to many things.

i'm 6'1" and it's great for me. i understand being more than 6 feet is tough to get a good fit. i drove a pt cruiser convertable, not than was hell. u had to hunch over just to see out the front, and yu couldn't see out the back.

too me, the seat makes all the difference. with a bad back; the S80 is the most comforatable seat i've had. i can actually drive it for several hours without pain.

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i think it's hit or miss with the gm trans. i've been a volvo tech for 10 years and i've seen my share of blown up gm trans. seems like the t6 is more prone to failure. a nice shifting 2.9 will last a while. i've had a customer have a gm trans rebuilt, but it didn't take. constant problem. i've also, on more than one occasion installed a bad trans right out of the box, pisser! elimination of the gm trans is the #1 reason volvo is using a 5cyl and the new v8 in the s80. s80 is a nice rig, but i won't give you a thumbs up on the trani.

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OK, here is how we are gonna break this down. No doubt the S80 is a freakin sweet touring car, but it aint meant for performance, unless you ebay "T6 premeir" (exact spelling), then you will see a tricked out S80 that my friend might get. Anyways, I think that my S60 has the most comfortable seats :P . They re-did the seats for the 05's and they're amazing. Every Volvo seat is technically the best, so let's all love our cars. I hate the S80 and my dad loves em'. that doesn't mean they are bad cars, but not very performance oriented, if you know what i mean. So, the moral of the story is that, ALL VOLVO SEATS ARE Darn COMFORTABLE!!! :lol:

Peace out.


P.S. Now, if we are talkin about the NEW S80 V8, I think we have a hole different ballpark, haha.

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OK I am chiming in on this one.. I think, the first time I saw it, now and till the end of time, the S-80 is the ugliest car Volvo has made inside and out. Yes! The seats are the best in the business but the relation to the all-so-important steering wheel and pedals SUCKS!!! I hate the ride and the motor… Blahhhh!! I have seen the trans die in as short as 35 miles after delivery two times on the same customer… No kidding! On top of that it is a maintenance nightmare every thing takes longer and the parts are normally costlier.

On the other hand I think Volvo got it right on the money with the S-60!! Everything seems right. A nip and tuck on the body made it nice looking and the seating seams to be better as well as the power delivery and ride. I would take my V70R AWD 6 speed over an S-80 with a trunk load of $$$$ any day…Just had to get that off my chest…

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Re: Comfort

oh i'd debate that all day long. :pizza:

My XC is also much comfier to me than the S80 was. Maybe if I was fatter. Or taller. Maybe. That has issues as well, though. <_<

Honestly, the S80 T6 AE's transmission was never an issue, I took it up to about 45-50k miles though. The annoyances were mostly odd electrical issues and the like, and expensive repair bills for minor repairs. :(

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Past 2002 S80s are just as reliable as anything else.

And I seriously doubt you have "real" wood in your 850. AFAIK no Volvos had real wood until last year or so.

About time someone said this, I drove an S80 and it is very comfortable. Wasn't this thread about the trannys and not the comfortability of these cars, 'cos if that is the case I'm prolly the only one who's driven a Volvo about 10x accross the country and it happend to be a 760 and LOVED that thing, then my 850 TLA which I drove like 4 X back and forth to FL and 5X to NC, GA, VA etc...

A/w the tranny yes they are a pain the butt but I've only seen those problems with the '99-'01 ;)

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I still don't believe 850s had real wood, since SS featured a story about Volvo introducing real wood for the first time ever a few months ago.

Volvo has switched back and forth many many times.

95 T-5Rs have real wood, too.

BTW, the ETM is part of the throttle system, not transmission... :unsure:

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OK, here is how we are gonna break this down. No doubt the S80 is a freakin sweet touring car, but it aint meant for performance,

An S80 T6 would probably walk your S60. And with a chip, it wouldn't even be close to a fair fight. They pump out 320hp after just a chip. 400 crank can be hit with bolt ons. Absolute freeway monsters.

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An S80 T6 would probably walk your S60. And with a chip, it wouldn't even be close to a fair fight. They pump out 320hp after just a chip. 400 crank can be hit with bolt ons. Absolute freeway monsters.

My stock S80 T6 got significantly pwnd by my 850 T-5R, soo.... They aren't the monsters you think they are. They can't put most of that power to the ground without a lot of wheelspin unless you do significant suspension mods and put some very high end tires on there. And the sloppy chassis is another issue there.

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Guest Mark Lanctot

Well I have an S80T6, 136,000 miles. Purchased used with replaced tranny. Have changed tranny fluid each year and filter every other year. Had a software update last year evened out the shifting. One last thing, I too am 6'4" about 215 lbs, and this has to be THE most comfortable car I have ever driven. Especially on long business trips.

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and i'm maintaing that i would not be comforable driving a S80.

why? cause they're junk. (sorry s80 owners.. it's nothing personal)

Hmmm....junk that a pretty strong statement coming from a fellow Volvo owner. I like your 850.....but you mentioned something about wallet....Maybe Im mistaken...but did I see some money spent on modifications??? :huh:

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i'm 6'1" and it's great for me. i understand being more than 6 feet is tough to get a good fit. i drove a pt cruiser convertable, not than was hell. u had to hunch over just to see out the front, and yu couldn't see out the back.

too me, the seat makes all the difference. with a bad back; the S80 is the most comforatable seat i've had. i can actually drive it for several hours without pain.

Im 6'4'' 260lbs!!! The 300C fits really nice for big guys. But my S80 fits good also. Yes you might noit be able to lean you leg a relaxed as in a 300C....But the seats have enough adjustment to satisfy a big guy like myself. But comfort is relative.... Some men like baggy pants some men like relaxed fit...some... <_< never mind you get my drift :)

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Dude i did not mis-quate you at all, you said it, i will never Mazda's comfort to Volvo's they totally different rides and driving experiance, but anyways, "comfort" is a very wide word, and in your case i think u r only taking about space and ride comfort, but have you been in any s70,60 or even 40, dude they are all very comfort in terms of leg space and seat's adjustments. but lets talk about the real comfort of your wallet and your pc of mind...you will never get those with the S80, believe me man, been there done that!!

best of luck

Thats why I bought a warranty!!

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