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98 S70 Door Panels In 95 850glt


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I will be getting 4 1998 s70 door panels and am going to try and put them in my 850. I am wondering if first they are even the same fit? Lenght and hight wise. I know the lock mech will change and the way the door opens from the inside, s70 has silver side handle, 850 has black handle in little hole. I was think of just have the 850 door hand thing pop up in that little space just behind the s70 window swithchs, think it will work? Are their any other mounting issues i should be worried about, like bolts and clips? Speakers still same? Little cuby hole the same? Anything eles i am just not seeing that you might know?

PS - Also have all s70 window switchs and wiring for all 4 doors

Thanks for the info/help, Please if you know it dosent work for a fact tell me.

John A.

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