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96 850 R Black

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This stuff makes me laugh, so hard. I think I may have parted out the most 850s of anyone on this board. and your price and expectations are laughable. You dont need to get pissed when someone offers you 1500. That is good for something non-fixable. Selling even R parts is harder and harder as people dont want to invest money into them. Engines are sellable with those miles, but you have to bust your jerk trying to find someone to buy it, that will pay that, and pay shipping. Seats, I am sure someone on here would buy them, but still will buck about shipping. The rims are an easy sell too. But the other stuff. HARD, you have to work and wait to sell that stuff. Doors at worth stuff! Go call strandburgs in WI or volvo, saab dismantlers in CA. or Erie Vovo. They get car like this, with low miles, and I know they dont pay near even $3000. I say if you want the money, do the work yourself cause no one will or should give you what your are asking.

Thanks ol'wise one for your insight but you can take your advice and :monkey: .

Time in and time out I'm getting flamed by know it alls on this board regarding this.

I will take my sale somewhere else and I gurrentee that I get what I'm looking for. Down the line, I feel you mods should do something about how these people conduct themselves especially in this section. I have never once ridiculed anyone trying to sell something. I might have disagreed w/ there price but I don't go off on them telling them what they should and shouldn't do. If we expect to keep people around this forum, I strongly feel the way that most of these j*rkoffs handle themselves will turn people away from VolvoSpeed.


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Ryan, you gotta understand, nobody here is trying to be an asshole towards you. They're giving you honest advice because they probably [i know Project T5R does] have experiance dealing with selling cars that are to be parted out and not driveable. I went thru the same thing with my 00' V70R trying to sell it in the wrecked form it was in. Either you have to bend over and take the hit or part it out yourself.

Seriously, if you are able to pull off selling it for over $5k, you're one hell of a salesman.

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Hi, maybe you could find someone willing to do the work of pulling it apart. Cut a deal and both of you can make money. A backyard mechanic or a motorhead kid may be interested. Also pay them something to ship the stuff. I've done this with a friend of mine and it's worked out well. I know how you feel wanting to get rid of it and move on.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright guys here's the deal. I had two pending sales for the car and both went south. Very shady and I didn't feel comfortable w/ the transaction. I need the car sold so I'm now lowering the price down to $3,500 A deal for you, loss for me but I'd like to see it go.


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Guest Guest_guest_*

if you sell the car for more than 3000, you may be the greatest salesman in history.

"only one little problem..."

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Alright guys here's the deal. I had two pending sales for the car and both went south. Very shady and I didn't feel comfortable w/ the transaction. I need the car sold so I'm now lowering the price down to $3,500 A deal for you, loss for me but I'd like to see it go.


$2000 and i will come get it with my trailer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

on the taxes part for canada, drive it up and dump it on private property. Then some person might just pick it up. and some how cash flows across the border to your hands and its done. The person who finds it can part it out or build it up. Now how this person claims its his, well thats the local bylaws.

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I am unfortunately out of the country.

I will send you a cheque for 12,000.

5000 car + 2000 shipping + 5000 extra

You may keep the 7000 for car and shipping and then send me back a money order for the additional 5000.

When I hear from you I will forward the bank routing information.

I will soon follow up with a shipping address of the car.

My money is tied up on family investments and this is the only way to pay you.

I would refer you to these Websites for further information About my family and Why I Really Require Your Assistance.

i) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2756861.stm

ii) http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/03...arms/index.html

I look forward to hearing from you.

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