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So recently my brand new engine gave way thanks to hopefully ONLY a broken seal in the 3rd cylinder, and my sure fire way of getting the car fixed has completely fell through. Funds are very low and it was a really big blow to have my first option fall through so now it's time to do it on my own. I am trying to see if anyone has an engine hoist or anything close to a place where my car can stay and be fixed over about a month or maybe two. Renting someone's space is an option and also having my car stay at a place for free is an option :) . Never taken apart a car, and I'm sure it's going to be a huge task but my father and I are interested in doing so and I like the challenge of pulling it out, seeing what exactly is wrong, fixing the problem, etc. etc.

So GEORGIA BOYS give me a post if there's anyway or anything that can help me get this under way, haha, I wouldn't even mind if this turned into a project for everybody ;) .

While I'm at it, does anyone want to take a stab at why a seal would randomly give way? I had no prior symptoms, no loss of power no check engine lights no nothing and randomly while cruising I lost compression in cylinder 3 completely...

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Damn Noah. That sucks. Wish I could help with the place to rent/keep the car. Unfortunately I can't unless I want to get served with divorce papers. Well that and more snide comments about how Volvos are always broken down.

I would love to help in anyway that I can to pull the motor and help rebuild. I just did my PCV, so I have half of the engine apart. I could help you with some pointers there.

I know there is someone in the crew with an engine hoist. Chris_R borrowed it for a while. Can't remember who's it was though. Talk to Chris. I am sure he can tell ya.

Good luck and let me know if you need anything at all. I'd be happy to help anyway that I can.

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The engine hoist came from Nick (Impeccatus on VS). I'm not sure if he still has it, but you could probably PM him and ask.

As for space... I don't even have space for my own projects right now. I wouldn't mind helping out though - it would make my rebuild or R&R easier. Let me know when you find a spot!

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hey Noah, sorry its taken me so long to get on here but i just got in from the conference tournment. I wont be home for at least another week due to baseball regionals but im coming home for a week before i head out for summerball. i have a few options that I might be able to take advantage of. I know a guy on turbobricks who might be able to help and also a friend's dad has a garage and said i could use it whenever i wanted but id have to ask him. hes got everythign for a rebuild. give me a call at 770.634.6851 and ill see what i can do. sorry to hear about the car bro.

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I'm in Evans over near Merlin. It'd have to be a w/e from nuke (Vogtle). I have a monster jack (22" in three strokes), and tools. No hoist.

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you dont need a real hoist. just bolt up a come-along to a rafter in your garage ceiling. it should work the same way, just hook it up and crank it out of the car. we did it to an old 700 series car when we swaped the motor.

good idea! as long as it'll support the weight, do it!

good luck with the baseball tourney, outs.

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Thanks Ryan, I think my dad is looking more so for a place or person that can do the work as we have hopefully diagnosed all the problems, and if it comes down to it we'd be willing to get our hands dirty. But going to a Volvo dealer or shop is out of the question as of now as the work would cost trillions...

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