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Removing Heat Shield

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Okay, I just went out to remove my heatshield and I got 3 of the four bolts off, the 4 one being the one closest to the passenger side that is a spring bolt. I couldn't get it off for the life of me so I'll go back for round 2 when it's not 92 degrees in my garage. I was wondering how many other bolts hold the heatshield on, I know they are placed around the corners and those are just what I saw, anyways let me know.



P.S. If your wondering why I'm removing the heatshield it's to check out the actuator rod and see if there is a gap because I spike to 15 as soon as I got WOT and then it comes back down to 10 immediately and my arrow like shakes at 10psi.

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There are two spring bolts near the passenger side... you only really need to remove the bottom one to take off the heat shield as I recall. Not sure if you knew that, but it'll save you a little trouble. But yeah... like the guys said it is quite long, so keep turning. Once the heat shield is off, its easy access to the actuator rod.

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Yea I'm just weak I think, I couldn't even get it turning but thanks for the help guys. I'll go back out and try when the thermometer in the garage isn't reading 90. Thanks again.

You're going to be waiting a long time for that!

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let'em wait until fall :P

yeah, you don't need that top one on the passenger side, but you do need the one under it. also untighten the one attaching the arm, and the upper one attaching the arm. move the arm out the way and get the one under it.

wiggle it out.

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Well I removed the heatshield and the actuator was just fine which is swell but I'm still spiking to 15 and then going down to 10 almost immediately and then it shakes at 10 under WOT. I'm thinking a vacuum hose might be lose or something? Could that be it or any ideas. I just installed my boost gauge but the stock gauge the needle goes to the end of the white so maybe I've just got a leak at my new boostgauge in the hose or at the vacuum tree I haven't checked out. I replaced my vacuum hoses and put a MBC in and installed the boost gauge just the other day just for a little background info.

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Hey quick question,

What are the negitive side affects to leaving the heatshield off? I am just to lazy to put mine back on. I will if there are any affects otherwise ehhhhh..

Thanks in advance!


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