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Installing An Extra Oil Cooler (e.g. Mocal)


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i definitely need an oil cooler. now that its getting warme outside, i easily exceed 130 centigrades(~270 F) , both on the autobahn and on the track. that is not good.

has anyone installed an oil cooler? if so what size did u use?

i want to use the stock thermostat to control it the same way as the orig oil-in-water cooler. if i conect the two coolers in a row, which oil hose do i have to take?

thanks all.

i dont wanna kill my engine. (stepping of the throttle on the track gives me a hard time..... <_< )

a detailed schedule would be appreciated. very much, if i may add.... :D

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Guest DougK

i don't think many people installed extra oil coolers on their volvos . . .

Perhaps they should be ;)

Pretty useless post there bud.

Im running an Earls oil cooler, no thermostat. I used -6AN braided for all the fittings.

If the FWD oil sandwhich adapter is like the RWD cars, its a 16X1.5MM adapter iirc.



:D REALLY helps keep the oil temps down

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Guest Guest

umm thats not the right conversion, unless of course your racing in an oven

Uh, actually:

degC * 9/5 +32 = degF

degF -32 * 5/9 = degC

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Guest DougK

or could we ditch the stock one alltogether and sit one down infront of the intercooler

Thats what I would do, and thats what I did. Bought a better, bigger aftermarket one and just ran the one. One is probably plenty (a fairly large one), plus it keeps things simple.

I would imagine that you either have oil cooler lines that come out of the motor, OR (more likely) they come off a block off the oil filter. Use adapters and just run fresh braided lines from there (if its like my car, and it probably is, the threads for the adapters are 16X1.5MM) to the biggest oil cooler you can find/fit.

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Guest DougK

sweet what type/ rate lines did you use, or is -6al the designation

thats the ticket ;) What oil cooler you use pretty much decides it. -6 or -8 would work fine.

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Guest DougK

sweet, are there places online where i can just order certain lenths of hose, after i measure it out, then just get the fittings that i need?

Pretty much :D

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