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Anybody Heard From Bing?

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I tried to send him a pm but I guess his inbox is full. Just wanted an update on the kicks he is making for us.

Last I heard from him he said he had just order the speakers,I THINK that was late last week thu or fri. I would assum he is making headway, but he does have is own audio business and a Family so......

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Mmkay...I was under the impression he was actually making our kicks this past week. I could have sworn that one of his posts said something about making them this week when he didn't have a car scheduled for install. No big deal really, I just had a time frame expectation that I guess was innacurate. I'll go look for that post now...

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"once i get hte list finalized, i will send you PM/emails with a bill, and then once the payment is made, iw ill order the respective speakres, and i plan to make all of them next week, where i didnt schedule a car smile.gif"

Found it...Ok, Like I said no big deal, I'm just super anal about doing what you say you're gonna do...its a pet peeve of mine. I guess it comes from the fact that I am in business myself and I take alot of pride in the fact that I follow that rule come hell or high water, and if I can't, I stay in constant communication with my customer.

I am in NO WAY bashing Bing or anything...please don't take it that way. I am grateful as hell we have somebody of his caliber to make this kind of stuff. I just wanted to verify what I thought I read. Guess my audio jones will hafta wait a little longer :)

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