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Per Motor Trend, All Volvo Owners Are Left-wing Liberal

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- I'm just curious if I really am that much of an anomaly.

- Reading through the July 06 Motor Trend, my interest spiked on an article about the all-new Volvo S80 V8. But then I was taken aback by the title of the article "From Left to Right, The Big Swede Leans More to the Middle" and the first paragraph hammered their point defining a Volvo owner by stating the brand is a key icon of the stereotypical liberal-or, as University of California, Berkely linguist Geoffrey Nunberg describes the demographic, the "latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Time-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show."

Regarding this Nunberg's stereotype:

- Yes, I like espresso (not latte, I actually like Americano without the frothed milk, no caramel, no sugar).

- Yes, I eat sushi several times a week (but I also eat red meat).

- Yes, I have proudly owned many Volvos dating back to the 80's (200 series, 700 series and S40). As a kid growing up in the 70's/80's, my next door neighbor owned a Volvo dealership and I fell in love with the many models he drove home each day.

- No, despise the New York Times (I'm an avid viewer of Fox News).

- No, never pierced anything (no tattoos either, no moustache, no beard, no goatee).

- Yes, I actually do love Hollywood when I can watch something without far-left politically-charged propaganda shoved down my throat. I can appreciate comedians that are bi-partisan (attack both sides of the aisle) like Jay Leno (unlike SNL's Tina Fey or John Stewart).

- No, I'm about the antithesis of left-wing. I was pro-Ronald Reagan back when it was really uncool to be. I think all social welfare programs merely breed perpetual dependence; despite their founders' best intentions. Instead of serving as a temporary springboard to get people back on their feet, we are now on a 5th generation being born into welfare/food stamps/subsidized housing (or is it 6th?).

- But I wonder, am I alone or are their other Volvo owners who break the mold? Any other NASCAR fans out there? Any other card-carrying Republicans? Any others who believe welfare does more harm than good? Any others who support the War on Terrorism taking an offensive and fighting them in the Middle East rather than waiting for them to attack us on American soil on their terms? Please respond, I really am intrigued to find out. Despite my passion for Volvos for several decades, I wonder if I oughtta be driving a fire-breathing Mustang GT or 4WD Powerstroke diesel F250 pickup.


Edited by davidclanton
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as University of California, Berkely linguist Geoffrey Nunberg describes the demographic, the "latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Time-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show."
Let me break this down for you. Berkely, a well known liberal college town, ever been there? it's full of promp and prissy college kids that think they are the top stuff (sorry in advance to anyone who knows someone who goes there, or if they go there themselves). What do they drive? Old, beat-to-monkey volvo 240's, just like ANY college kid would (uc santa cruz, another liberal campus, shares this same quality). This "linguist" is just making observations on the general population of Berkely, that they eat well, drink lots of coffee, read single-minded newspapers and that they have an affinity for body modification.

How, in any way, is a volvo liberal or conservative in the first place? Honestly, i'd like to see the day when cars can choose what their politcal agendas are, but sadly enough, now is not the century. If anything, a volvo would be more marketed towards a conservative crowd, as "the demographic shows" (read sarcastically), that republicans often enjoy higher priced cars with more luxury amenities then a democratic based populus (since when have you seen a john kerry sticker on a brand new ferrari?). Of course, the prime Anti against that statement is the Volvo 240. Sure, back in the day, they used to be luxury cars, but now? hell no. people buy them because they are cheaper, (and to be completly stereotypical, democrats buy cheaper cars that are often basemodel and asian). who are they mystery people buying these 240's might you ask? Berkely College Students!!! it all rolls back to the fact that the professor made a bad observation of his surroundings and that it can't be taken seriously, let alone nationally.

Was it correct for Motortrend to use his statement in their publications? maybe, maybe not. I don't read magazine articles and immediatly think that i am being slandered or stereotyped into something that I am not. I don't get uppity about what someone thinks, I don't care.

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Sounds like Noah :P

Darn Straight woman!

As per people in berkeley driving volvo 240's, Joe its not the students, its the people who live there permanently. Waay more adults own 240's there than students. Students mostly have corolla's and civics. Although there are 3 guys in frat near me with black 850R's, two professors that I know of have P2 R's, there's a yellow T5r that lives in west berkeley, and a lazer blue in north berkeley as well as a couple silver P1 V70r's that I always see going through. The liberal hippie icon that is attached to volvo's stems more from the leftovers from the 60's who buy volvos because they know they're safe, and the know they last a long time. And they're boxy which makes them easier to paint stupid hippe designs on. As far as newer volvo's go, the poltical breakdown is more evenly spread. There are as stated conservatives who like to spend more money on things (cars) so they volvos for the lucury aspect, and there's the liberl yuppie's who's old volvos have finally deceased and they like volvos because of that and because they're not attached to a snobbish image like a Beamer or Benz. There's my 3 minute analysis. And it's better than your because I go to Cal.


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Darn Straight woman!

As per people in berkeley driving volvo 240's, Joe its not the students, its the people who live there permanently. Waay more adults own 240's there than students. Students mostly have corolla's and civics. Although there are 3 guys in frat near me with black 850R's, two professors that I know of have P2 R's, there's a yellow T5r that lives in west berkeley, and a lazer blue in north berkeley as well as a couple silver P1 V70r's that I always see going through. The liberal hippie icon that is attached to volvo's stems more from the leftovers from the 60's who buy volvos because they know they're safe, and the know they last a long time. And they're boxy which makes them easier to paint stupid hippe designs on. As far as newer volvo's go, the poltical breakdown is more evenly spread. There are as stated conservatives who like to spend more money on things (cars) so they volvos for the lucury aspect, and there's the liberl yuppie's who's old volvos have finally deceased and they like volvos because of that and because they're not attached to a snobbish image like a Beamer or Benz. There's my 3 minute analysis. And it's better than your because I go to Cal.


oh god.

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you all need to come to Ballard.

liberal town, mostly hippies, lots of grunge emo kids and such. very very scandinavian population.

most of my friends drive 240's or their parents drive 240's. most people drink alot of coffee here, but then again, this is seattle so thast a given. most people here hate george bush, but this town is mostly lower class IMO. (my neighborhood is very very republican though, all white i might add. WHITE POWER!!!!!) and most hate hollywood.

kevin and jake got my back on this one, Ballard is prolly the volvo capital of the USA, we define the typical 'volvo' owner IMO. weve got soccer moms, soccer dads, emo assss high school kids who smoke the dank everyday and then the teachers or grandparents who hate bush and just roll their 240 because they didnt think it would last this long but it has so they figure they dont need to buy a new car.

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Soccer moms, yadayada.

- I am a "Conservative" by some liberals' reckoning

- I support pre-emptive wars

- I support the notion that inaction is a greater sin than mis-action

- I like sushi

- I love steak

- I hate those who would protect me from myself (you know who you aren't)

- I believe marriage is an institution ordained by God

- I believe that all are sinners, including me

- I opine that all politicians (ALL) should be forcibly retired after 6 years

I drive an Audi TT, an M-B C230 SS-K, and a Volvo 855 Turbo. I don't need protecting. You might.

I am a sheepdog in a world of sheep and wolves. Most of the world are sheep: they would rather I wasn't around because I have teeth like a wolf, and bark and smell like a wolf. But when the wolves come for you, you cry for the sheepdog.

Edited by EMDII
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Noah, I hope your joking on that one... otherwise I'll punch-a-size your face at the next meet :)

You really are nothing special, you just think you are ;):lol:

The spoon thing was referring to pras, not you :) And I am something speshul. my mom says so all the time! Is my mommy lying to me?!

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University of California, Berkely linguist Geoffrey Nunberg describes the demographic, the "latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Time-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show."

I believe the root "Volvo-driving liberal" was originally coined by the late great Ronaldus Magnus as he was describing actions of the congressional liberal democrats and how their idealogy was basically copying the failure of government social welfare programs from the poster child of a socialist democratic state which is Sweden. The more I learn about Sweden the more I have to laugh. Have you guys heard about the Swedish penis tax?

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