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Per Motor Trend, All Volvo Owners Are Left-wing Liberal

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Soccer moms, yadayada.

- I am a "Conservative" by some liberals' reckoning

- I support pre-emptive wars

- I support the notion that inaction is a greater sin than mis-action

- I like sushi

- I love steak

- I hate those who would protect me from myself (you know who you aren't)

- I believe marriage is an institution ordained by God

- I believe that all are sinners, including me

- I opine that all politicians (ALL) should be forcibly retired after 6 years

I drive an Audi TT, an M-B C230 SS-K, and a Volvo 855 Turbo. I don't need protecting. You might.

I am a sheepdog in a world of sheep and wolves. Most of the world are sheep: they would rather I wasn't around because I have teeth like a wolf, and bark and smell like a wolf. But when the wolves come for you, you cry for the sheepdog.

ahhhhh i love it, took the words right out of my mouth

let me say this about the city i live in. this is not a southern city by any means. its funny one of the guys at one of the finance companys i deal with was askin me what oak ridge was like, i told him how big oak ridge high school is, and asked him what he thought the most popular car in the student parking lot was, oh course he said ford chevy, whatever, but of course its Volvo

the reason im into volvo's is because my dad did the same thing most parents at my school did, bought thier kids a safe a car. see my town is a bunch of rocket scientist, engineers and so on workin at y-12 making nuclear weapons. me and my brothers and sisters all drove volvos, and we are republican, right wing, clinton haters!

ive got 2 volvos in my driveway

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oh lets not forget all the times in highschool riding around in the 240 wagon that had 5% tint and gettin that car so smoked out you could barely see your hand in front of your face :D

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Any other NASCAR fans out there? Not me.

Any other card-carrying Republicans? Yes. And NRA member

Any others who believe welfare does more harm than good? Yes.

Any others who support the War on Terrorism taking an offensive and fighting them in the Middle East rather than waiting for them to attack us on American soil on their terms? God Bless our Troops that do what some of us cant/wont

Despite my passion for Volvos for several decades, I wonder if I oughtta be driving a fire-breathing Mustang GT or 4WD Powerstroke diesel F250 pickup. Only if you grow a mullet, wear a trucker hat, and make sure that you have at least 2 unoperable vehicles in your front lawn.

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Nice to know there are non left leaning Volvo owners out there.

Not only am I an NRA member, I'm an instructor. I love to shoot guns. I eat sushi and I eat red meat. The rarer, the better. I have a thing for late 60s and early 70s muscle cars. Welfare sucks. Don't get me started on radical muslims. My vanity plate is TANGO DN. 'Nuf said.


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im sorry but that dude can monkey off for all i care, people like that have to..... well the word filter pwns j00!!! wont let me say it :( i hate those kind of people, i wonder what car he drives im sure it cost more then my car and my moms car put together. well thats all i want to say cause then im gonna write a novel.... :P they should remember V4L!!!

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I think that the characterazation of Volvo owners was much more true 25 years ago when somebody thought it up than now.

But.... you ever write magazine articles regularly? I have and Gawd do you get desparate sometimes for a 'hook' to hang the story on. This author probably wasn't too creative that day and just worked from the old stereotype.

How would you like to be an editor for a Consumer Electronics magazine and realize that your free lance author wrote their article from manufacturer's spec sheets? That is, no hands on experience with the product at all, never even saw the product in the flesh. Welcome to the world of the freelance magazine article writer.

Boxy, but good.

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maybe we should all send the editor of motor trend an jerk load of emails and give him a dose of reality. motor trend ha! motor history maybe from the 80's yuppies were driving volvos but its alot different now.


Edited by mcmphoto
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maybe we should all send the editor of motor trend an jerk load of emails and give him a dose of reality. motor trend ha! motor history maybe from the 80's yuppies were driving volvos but its alot different now.


- I already sent a letter to the editor telling Motor Trend what I think about Chrysler resurrecting the 'Hemi' moniker on an engine that doesn't have 'hemispherical heads and dual quad design of yesteryear' (although their new engines are hi-perf and efficient) merely to capitalize on the marketability of 'Hemi'. And to my surprise, they actually printed it.

- I imagine it would raise a few eyebrows if Volvo owners responded.



Edited by davidclanton
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I believe the root "Volvo-driving liberal" was originally coined by the late great Ronaldus Magnus as he was describing actions of the congressional liberal democrats and how their idealogy was basically copying the failure of government social welfare programs from the poster child of a socialist democratic state which is Sweden. The more I learn about Sweden the more I have to laugh. Have you guys heard about the Swedish penis tax?

no, what the hell is that?

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NRA and Conservative. First amendment exists because of the Second amendment. Identifty with the GOP on many issues of morality. Need a third party of tight fiscal responsibility, border control, reduced gov't, and character and ethics building.

Kevin? Captian GOP in Washington? No wonder you're at VS so much!

And David, what's a conservative like you doing in Monterey?

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