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Canada And Terrorism


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who cares.... we can't catch them all, some shit gonna happen and people will die... fact of life people.... Canada is safe, but when I drive through the states I feel just as safe. If we can get a handle on who thE extremist are and ship them off to deathland, then good, but that shit ain't happening

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who cares.... we can't catch them all, some shit gonna happen and people will die... fact of life people.... Canada is safe, but when I drive through the states I feel just as safe. If we can get a handle on who the extremist are and ship them off to deathland, then good, but that shit ain't happening

Totally agree.

1. Manhattan Project style effort to develop alternate source of energy to oil

2. Take the leash off the military and the CIA on these folks. Dirty tricks, the works.

3. Enable Americans to carry concealed weapons provided they qualify (clean record, no mental illness), register, and pass a stringent annual written and performance test.

4. Control the border and enforce existing immigration law. Green Card amnesty OK one more time, few deportations.

5. Pay our damn National Debt off.


What's wrong with this place?

1. Thirty years of Vietnam activism and "I HATE AMERICA AND YOU SHOULD TOO" courtesy of Liberal Policy that has severely weakend our pride, purpose and sense of identity as a nation.

2. Multi-Culturalism bullshit also brought to you by Liberal Policy that has further weakened our national idenity, pride, and sense of worth and validity for the last thirty years.

3. Public education in shambles thanks to thirty years of bussing, self-esteem over acutal performance, the removal of standards, and other social engineering, all protected by the iron girp of teachers unions. The results? More dumb kids (now adults) who have a harder time making intelligent voting decisions and are therefore more easily manipulated who would rather hang out at Starbucks, watch TV or go to movies than be bothered with what matters. All of this also courtesy of Liberal Policies and the DNC.

4. An OLD MEDIA that only gives us hysteria and useless news without analysis, context or perspective.

5. A Republican controlled Gov't that can't get its head out if its own ass and would rather spend like Democrats cuz its fun.

Edited by RAzOR
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Guest Jena


I just read Razor's post, and then went to his profile to see how old he is... and his cumulative post count is/was 666!!!!


BAhahaha! :lol::lol::lol:


ok... just felt the need to share...

carry on!

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HAH! I think I'll leave it that way (at least for today!).

A very astute observation.

And your soul is mine. Actually, most souls on this board are scheduled to come in sometime this century.

Got special plans for them. Mostly involving normaly aspirated 940s and 14" rims.

There are a few that I don't have nailed down yet. Pope Kevinicus Underlordus Volvusspeedus I is proving elusive. I am planning on sending some barely legal Tranny-Thai hookers his way, compliments of the house. We'll see if he bites. Got Mike (Boomin) this way last week. It was nice to close the work week with that one in the bag.

Mwwhah ahah hahahahhhh.




...eh. Ahem.


Edited by Am I the Beast?
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Ah Grant. I have your reservation right here. I have a special regimen for you. Cash-only shopping for window treatments and fashionable attire with George W, Pat Robertson, and Dawg "The Bounty Hunter" at mega-crowded Big Lots! and Wal Mart with broken air conditioning and hundreds of screaming brats followed up with a gourmet meal at A&W or Cracker Barrel (your call!) will kick-off the festivities.

Edited by Am I the Beast?
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