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Canada And Terrorism


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you should have been here yesterday! there was this guy that thought exactly like you on subjects! and he was posting in the political forum!

where were ya man?

Yeah Kev, yesterday was total hell for me.

Edited by RAzOR
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Well I can see that we were an attractive target, but not more so than the US, sorry.

But I'm from Montreal, a city way different then any other in Canada.

Do you think those fellas would've treated Montreal and its citizens differently than parliament? And if so, why please.

Edited by RAzOR
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I sure hope I'm excluded from that general statement.... we do have a lot of small town people who think that Canada is perfect and nobody would want to hurt us. These arrest have startled them, but for the majority of Canadians, this sort of hate surfacing against our country seems long overdue.

It's up to you whether you chose to be excluded form that statement. I think a lot of the problem is that a lot of folk in western countries don't realize that it's not the particular country so much as it is western civilization itself- and Canada is defintely Western Civ.

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Do you think those fellas would've treated Montreal and its citizens differently than parliament? And if so, why please.

I honestly don't know if "those fellas would've treated Montreal and its citizens differently than parliament".

Violence is much higher and rising in Toronto compared to Montreal, why is that?

I have been to many places around the world and people treat you differently when they notice the canadian flag on your back pack...

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I honestly don't know if "those fellas would've treated Montreal and its citizens differently than parliament".

Violence is much higher and rising in Toronto compared to Montreal, why is that?

I have been to many places around the world and people treat you differently when they notice the canadian flag on your back pack...

Those are decent and rational people you met in your travels. This cell of 17 Islamic nutjobs (and all of Al Qaida) would NOT have treated the citizens of Montreal or Geneva or St. Petersburgh for that matter, any differently. We are ALL infidels- like it or not. These are not intellectuals, they are brainwashed and ignorant and have a singular focus. They do not care nor do they have compassion.

Do you think that if they had successfully carried out this attack and behead the Canadian Prime Minister on Live TV, that Canadiens might think differently? Why should this matter? They were serious and apparently fully intended to attempt this. Why should it matter if they got stopped, thank God, before it happened? Their motive, their intentions, and their resolve remain. The implications for Canada remains. The writing on the wall for Western Civ remains.

Edited by RAzOR
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Those are decent and rational people you met in your travels. This cell of 17 Islamic nutjobs (and all of Al Qaida) would NOT have treated the citizens of Montreal or Geneva or St. Petersburgh for that matter, any differently. We are ALL infidels- like it or not. These are not intellectuals, they are brainwashed and ignorant and have a singular focus. They do not care nor do they have compassion.

Do you think that if they had successfully carried out this attack and behead the Canadian Prime Minister on Live TV, that Canadiens might think differently? Why should this matter? They were serious and apparently fully intended to attempt this. Why should it matter if they got stopped, thank God, before it happened? Their motive, their intentions, and their resolve remain. The implications for Canada remains. The writing on the wall for Western Civ remains.

Yes I realised I met rational people abroad, this comment was not an attempt to answer your question. It was to justify a little why some Canadians seem to feel "untouchable". You mention that "we are all infidels - like it or not." Do you mean we are disbelievers?

Don't get me wrong I agree with many of your thoughts. I'm just trying to get a vague notion about my fellow Americans. I'm trying to understand why you seem so eager to now include Canada into the "American world". Is it just because geographically we are situated in the west, well, we've always been there. I almost sense animosity that for so many years many had this belief that Canadians were loved by everyone and finally after so many years an incident occurs, and incident that is somewhat linked to America, so are we now accepted?

These are just thoughts, questions surfurcing in the moment... I know very little about politics if it doesn't already show...

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Yes I realised I met rational people abroad, this comment was not an attempt to answer your question. It was to justify a little why some Canadians seem to feel "untouchable". You mention that "we are all infidels - like it or not." Do you mean we are disbelievers?

Don't get me wrong I agree with many of your thoughts. I'm just trying to get a vague notion about my fellow Americans. I'm trying to understand why you seem so eager to now include Canada into the "American world". Is it just because geographically we are situated in the west, well, we've always been there. I almost sense animosity that for so many years many had this belief that Canadians were loved by everyone and finally after so many years an incident occurs, and incident that is somewhat linked to America, so are we now accepted?

These are just thoughts, questions surfurcing in the moment... I know very little about politics if it doesn't already show...

No, it's all good. "Infidel" means "non-believer" BUT a non-believer in ISLAM. According to the radicals, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc and even moderate Muslims who are construed to be conspiring or in other ways aiding infidels can and should be killed in the name of Allah. Al Qaida harnesses a radical form of Islam in which only 1-10% of the Islamic world practices. Mind you out of 1,000,000,000 Muslims, that's still up to 100,000,000 potential death freaks.

How Canada (and all of the modern civ, Europe, Japan, China, Russia, Etc) are included with the US, Britian, and Australia is that they are also considered infidel or non-believers. That equates us in their eyes. Though Canada and China did not participate in the Afghan or Iraqi invasions, they are still Infidel.

It's a war against our way of life, our freedoms, our tolerance of other religeons, our freedom of speech, our treatment of women, and our representative forms of governement, our value in separating religeon form goverment, etc.

It's a war against our core values, against civilization.

I sure hope Canadians and others see this and stop eating the spoon feed, misguided, apologeteic pacifist crap that we get from the left and the bulk of our papers and news.

It's a type of war that has never been seen before and the stakes are the the highest there are. Sure they are barefoot, crazy and only carry rifles but there are 100 MILLION of them and the dress and fight as civilians. They wear no uniform. They move in next door and while you install a 3" DP, they lay out the plans to slit the throats of your leaders. This is huge and frightening.

They're tactics attacks us with the very things we hold dear- our freedom and privacy. How close can we let our governments look to find them without trampling that which we are defending?

Edited by RAzOR
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We cannot take the gloves off. But we can make them (the insurgents) fear us more than they hate us.

Inevitably, occupying forces have to leave (Germany and Japan are good examples). It took over 56y for Germany, and there were insurgent ex-Waffen SS and SS who did exactly what the insurgents in Iraq are doing now. The Iraqis have better explosives, but we have better tehcnology too.

Having a Liberal political entity will not change the fanaticism of the Islamists, only delay it, if even that. Those who would turn their heads are sheep against the wolves. We sheepdogs are out there, doing what it takes to protect the sheep (who are not bad or stupid, they just can't do it for themselves).

Ignoring the Islamist won't make them go away, regardless of your political color. See Europe and Charles Martel for reference. Iraq is not Vietnam, despite what the Liberals would have you think. Read some history: the news media are NOT FN historians.

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hey razor, we are in afghan region, might be another reason they dont like canada. Unless i read your post wrong where you said china and canada didnt get involved in afghan or iraq.

Are you saying that "they" hate canada because we didn't get involved :blink: ???

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hey razor, we are in afghan region, might be another reason they dont like canada. Unless i read your post wrong where you said china and canada didnt get involved in afghan or iraq.

You are correct. Nonetheless, hypothetically speaking, IF Europe and US topple and fall under Islamic rule, China would be next. These poeple are religiously driven, they are fanatic lunatics. The US is just the biggest and most "in-their-face" infidel right now.

Newsflash: Jordinian leader of the Iraqi terrorists Abu Al Zarqawi became Satan's bitch last night.

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It's a war against our way of life, our freedoms, our tolerance of other religeons, our freedom of speech, our treatment of women, and our representative forms of governement, our value in separating religeon form goverment, etc.

It's a war against our core values, against civilization.

I sure hope Canadians and others see this and stop eating the spoon feed, misguided, apologeteic pacifist crap that we get from the left and the bulk of our papers and news.

It's a type of war that has never been seen before and the stakes are the the highest there are. Sure they are barefoot, crazy and only carry rifles but there are 100 MILLION of them and the dress and fight as civilians. They wear no uniform. They move in next door and while you install a 3" DP, they lay out the plans to slit the throats of your leaders. This is huge and frightening.

They're tactics attacks us with the very things we hold dear- our freedom and privacy. How close can we let our governments look to find them without trampling that which we are defending?

But will war bring peace? Some believe war is terrorism itself.

"We/they should not become a monster in order to defeat a monster."

They hate Canada and all of modern civilzation because of our values, because of who we are.

Yes I am aware of this... I misundertood what PyROTech was getting at.

Edited by mikie
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But will war bring peace? Some believe war is terrorism itself.

"We/they should not become a monster in order to defeat a monster."

Of course we can't become a monster that's why we fight them our way and they fight us their way. The two tactics are not morally equal- not even on the same planet.

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