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Closest Calls With An Accident


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Lets see what your guys closest calls with accidents are.

TOday some old guy was weaving onto the shoulder of the the road. Me being my mature self :D decided to stay back a little bit. Luckily i did and out of nowhere he goes swerving to the left going up on the median for about 5 seconds waking up before nearly hitting a pole. Think of what could have happened to the wheels. Idiots

Cellphones and other distractions while driving should be illegal. If all people only drove like us and Germans.

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That happens all the time....I live in FL. If you are near a Mercury Grad Marquis of Lincoln Towncar you better get away before they swerve into you.

I have a good one from several years ago. I get off an exit ramp and am waiting for the light to change. No let me preface this with the fact that I am a very defensive driver and typically error on the side of caution. The light turns green and I pull out slowly and check the intersection as I start to cross. It was a good think I did since a Jeep clearly missed the light turning red and is coming straight at my door at about 60mph. I hit the gas and jump across the intersection. Good damn thing I have an NA car because any lag at all would have resulted in a collission. He must have missed my rear bumper by inches and he didn't even slow down.

I was a bit shaken, as was my wife, because we could have been seriously injured. Since it was a Jeep I could clearly see the driver and passanger. They were young and they were either oblivious or thought it was funny because they we laughing as the whole thing unfolded.

The more I though about it the angrier I got. I pulled a U-turn and headed in the same direction they were going but got caught in traffic. I was fumming and my wife was still in shock. She asked what I was doing, and I told her I was going to "talk to them". They were nowhere in sight so I rolled in and out of every shopping complex within a mile radius looking for them. I exhausted my serach and decided to turn around in a supermarket parking lot. While I was passing the entrance I stopped to let 2 kids cross in-front of me. That's funny, they look familiar. Mother F'er, that's them and that's their Jeep over there. I unlocked the doors and then I stopped and a devilish grin developed and I sat there as I smiled. I calmly put on my turn signal, drove down the aisle, and parked next to the Jeep.

I won't tell you what happened next but I will tell you that it's not good to leave the top down on your Jeep in a public parking lot.

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Guest S7013g

I was driving down one of the main streets at school. It was a 35 zone. This car was coming the other way and had his turn signal on. Well I guess he thought he had room to turn before I would hit him.

He barley got by me. I had to swerve into the other lane and then quickly back into my lane. I also almost hit a telephone pole as well while trying to manuver my car back into my lane.

Lucky me I think my upgraded suspension helped me out big time while doing this.

I came to about a foot of his car and had to swerve.


Another one was when I was still in high school.

Our school was a dumb and let us out way too late one day when it was snowing and there was ice build up.

So we got out and I was driving home. Well I am going about 15 in a 25 zone and this woman stops at a stop sign at the intersection.

I start to brake for my stop sign, well I can't stop. Brakes not helping. I am sliding towards this woman and she isn't moving, I am yelling and waving my hands for her to move.

She does and I missed her by a few inches and I hit the curb. No damage, but scary.

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I was driving down that road, the left side of my car hit one of those cement dividers while it was ramping up.... the car did a barrel roll and I kept going. It was fun. Didn't work out so well the next time I tried it.... :huh:

hehehe... didn't actually happen, but would be cool.

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I have a couple of different stories that were both pretty scary.

First, I worked as a bartender my freshman year in college and would normally come home pretty late. This actually happened a couple of times which is messed up. The first time I'm driving west on route 195 in MA at about 2:45 in the morning. It was only a couple of exits to my school so I'm just cruising along in the center lane. I look in my rearview and see an SUV coming up my right hand side. As it's passing, it slowly drifts into my lane and I swerve left to avoid a collision, the suv which turns out to be a Lexus swerves back right and starts rubbing the guard rail for a good quarter of a mile! Unbelievable, the sparks were coming out the back and all over just like the movies. I called the State Police and notified them about it. The woman driving was obviously drunk. It was close. The other time I'm driving home from the bar again and a shi**y little toyota comes swerving into my lane, again I swerve to avoid. This drunk woman then slows down to about 30 mph on the highway and just starts weaving back and forth. I called the police again and they actually had me follow the lady until they showed up to pull her over. It was close again. All this because of drunk drivers. Stupid...

A serious accident that I was in happened a couple of years ago. I was a front passenger in my friends sentra and we were waiting in the left lane at an intersection to make a left hand turn. The road had two lanes each side of the double yellow. We enter the intersection and were waiting when the light turned yellow. The oncoming traffic in the oncoming left lane had already stopped and it appeared that the right hand turn lane had as well. The light turned red as we were clearing the intersection when a Jeep Grand Cherokee completely ran the red light and hit my door doing about 45-50 mph according to the police. He hit us so hard that he pushed us into the lane of traffic that was waiting at the light to cross the main road. My friend just swerved in time to avoid a front collision as well. Turns out the kid that hit us literally had four previous accidents within the last ten months. Needless to say this made five and it was his fault.

I got my car three years ago this August and have already put on over 70,000 miles. I've seen a lot.

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One friday afternoon, I was sitting at a redlight behind a semi truck, and his trailer door was open. There was only a forklift inside. Best I could tell, it was chained down, but since I wasn't sure, and couldn't see very well from the driver seat of a Datsun 280Z, I decided to leave plenty of space when the light turns green. It was probably 2nd gear when the forklift rolled out the back. It shook the entire tractor and trailer violently as it fell from the back of the truck. I had already begun to change lanes, and had to swerve to miss the propane tank that went rolling across the street in front of me.

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damn thought i would get some crazy stuff

some baseball players staying at our house just got back from the college summer league practice and they were in a wreck. Florida driving is a little diffrent from texas. They said they were driving and a old lady in a grand marquis switched into their lane and then slamed on the brakes. I wouldnt doubt it crazy stuff happens down here.

Here is another close call i got in. This shows the stupidity of some women drivers when they are on cell phones. I hate cell phones in cars. So one day i was going to pick my sister up from soccer conditioning. I was infront of the school and this lady was in a burgendy color chevy truck. I was driving the VW Passat(V6 5speed). I noticed that i was approching a intersection. The road i was on didnt have to stop put the road crossing had a stop sign. This lady was talking on her cell phone. Her phone was up to her here. I was approching her from the right. I was about 10 feet from the intersection going about 30 mph and this idiiot decides to roll the stop sign and of course her being on a cell phone she in unaware of me. Let me state that her peripheal vision is blocked as well. See goes through the intersection forcing me to drop into 2nd and floor it. She missed me by inches. i slow down and show her my gang sign. People say teens are bad drivers. There are some exceptions

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Was driving slow in the right lane of a 2 lane road in traffic. Left lane is completely stopped, and a guy on his cell phone in a Tahoe comes turning through a hole in the traffic from the opposite side to get into a parking lot to my ride, he didn't peek his nose through he went rambling through so I slammed the brakes turned my car hard right and basically went into the parking lot entrance side by side with him. I must've literally came at most 7 inches from hitting him.

We stopped side by side and he apologized while still on the phone but I was so happy that I had the common sense to turn instead of rumbling straight forward into him that I couldn't even be mad.

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