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Euro Style Fog Lights


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Ever since I got my fog lights installed, and found out that they only work w/ the headlights...I wanted to mod them so they could work seperately. I've been searching all over for this mod, and finally I found how to do it. Problem is, the instructions are for the 850 not the 70 series. I know they're practically the same car, but has anyone done this mod on their 70 series?

Also the relay, which is actually the part that has to be modified, is the exact same relay on my car.

here's the link to qbm where I found the mod for the 850:


any info would help...thanks guys...

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hey now, I never claimed to cerate that. The how2s on our site are for people that come to our site and may not even know about VS or the search function. You know, because EVERYONE uses the search function so well!

haha, i wasn't sayin shame on you at all Greg...

does Paul know?

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I just finished the mod of the fog light relay...

Everything was a breeze, except for taking the metal connector out the housing... :rolleyes:

Took me a good 20mins, but I'm definitely happy with the result... :D

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