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Glt Vs A Porsche Boxster


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On the way to senior pictures i came across a Porsche Boxster. The Porsche Boxster was sitting behind me at a red light im pretty sure he could here the radiohead coming from my car. The light turned green and i floor it going onto a pretty busy road. He stays back and the approaching light turns red.

I move over to a empty lane so we might get a race out of this. He pulls up next to me and doesnt even look at me. After my glance at him the light turns green. I go half throttle for about 1 sec and he floors it and i do the same. I am in first gear and shift into third with the automatic gearbox. His car pulls even with mine at this time after the gears connect i take off. At the proceeding light i turn off the a/c and put up the windows. WE race again and the guy was about 1/2 car lengths back on me.

It seemed like he was shifting rather hard, just incase you thought he wasnt racing me. The driver of the Porsche Boxster didnt even acknowldge me after we raced. He was thinking i spent 50000 dollars on this car and just got beat bye a punk in a Volvo.

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because im a noob. lol. when i was going to put in the second paragraph i pressed tab and the tab made the add post highlighted. After that i pressed enter and it sent it by mistake. i proceded by pressing go back and did noobish stuff. this adhd stuff is tuff give me a break guys

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