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Were You On Pimp My Ride?


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Last night I was sitting in a Safeway parking lot, minding my own business. Okay so I had the music going the windows down and the Neons flashing like crazy. These two chicks come up to the car, almost like it was a magnet and they were drawn to it. So they get to the window and just kinda look at me like they have something to say. I turn down my stereo and give them the "what" look. The hot one says to me "Were you on pimp my ride?" I laugh and respond "no, why do you ask" The girl goes on asking about my car, "well why does it look like that?" "you must really like volvos?" Of course I asked them what they were up too the hot one was all over my car and ready to hop in and take a ride, but her not so friendly or cute friend was a total hater and yanked her away. Oh well it was pretty funny and I guess I should be flattered that people look at my car and see it as "pimped" and its pretty cool that hotties are drawn to the Slowvo like fly's to $hit. I love my car!

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stupid fat b*tch. i hate the blockers. it used to piss me off really bad when they would do that. so i just started hitting on the blocker until she looked away and then iwould grab her freind and jet. or i had someone i would pawn the blocker off onto. i used to love having freinds that would always take one for the team.

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Yeah maybe we can use blockers as speed bumps, serve a dual purpose. Getting rid of em and keeping me away from my next speeding ticket all at the same time. I like that line "Yeah let me show you what they did to my back seat..." Classic!

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there should be an EASY buttton like on the staples commercial... to get rid of the hated, notwanted, ugly, cockblockin chicks.

or so easy hot chicks pop up out of nowhere, regardless of where you are...

and screw those blockers, they always keep the girl from you cuz they no once their friend leaves they might as well be on a deserted island...last night especially, the cockblocker even had a lisp...lkashdklhasdk

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